Blind hen


In the Brooder
11 Years
Dec 26, 2008
Pensacola FL
I have a 4 year old buff colored hen that is a silkie mix. She has a small tophat and the extra toe, but she has feathers instead of fluff.

I noticed 2 days ago that she seemed a bit sluggish, or still. She didn't do her normal thing. I thought she was going broody because she slept in an egg laying spot recently instead of on top of the egg boxes. She also had stopped laying. None of the things by themselves seemed alarming, I thought I saw her taking her sun and dirt baths, etc.. Well Yesterday she didn't leave the coop. Now when I was approaching her she ran and I had to catch her. Indors though she pumps into things and doesn't see me even in good lighting. She hasn't tried to eat so I have been helping her. She will "sip" at baby food if I ease her beak tip into it, and I give her water in a syringe.

I have duramet? I forget the name. ( I think that is it) and some vitamins and electrolytes with lactobacillus, and dextrose to administer sub Q if need be, and I have terramycin for eyes.

Should I try all or some or none? I don't know what is wrong with her. She seems heavy, good weight, and her eyes aren't cloudy, a bit dilated though. Her poop is normal, or was, she hasn't eaten so it's running out.

I fed her carrot and squash baby food and some peas. I"m going to try to teach her to eat, but first I have to get her energy up and also throw the book at her to find out what is wrong. The vet I need isn't available this week, I don't want to spend hundreds of dollars on her either. I love her, and will tend her as best I can,but Frankly I don't' even have the money for my own needs.

Any advice?

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