Block swap. We need no more.

I think I will have a contest for these blocks. I will send you something special back with your blocks. The first one to get done and send them to me will get a little more then the last one, but everyone will get something for sending in on time. How does that sound to you all?
I think I will have a contest for these blocks. I will send you something special back with your blocks. The first one to get done and send them to me will get a little more then the last one, but everyone will get something for sending in on time. How does that sound to you all?

What a great idea......................
I have a question...............How do you Ladies think about a little label, just a piece of musslin, with your BYC name, your real name, the state and maybe the year. Think that will be awesome on the back of the quilt. We can write it on the musslin with sharpies.
I think someone had ask about us doing something like that but we were going to do a sticky note. I don't mind doing musslin. Everyone can decide what they want and if they only want to add a note then we could add their information to our own musslin and put it on the back if you want. I'll send some with mine.

What a great idea......................
I have a question...............How do you Ladies think about a little label, just a piece of musslin, with your BYC name, your real name, the state and maybe the year. Think that will be awesome on the back of the quilt. We can write it on the musslin with sharpies.
HI Gin!
Are we aiming for "white" white.... Or can it be off white? Cream colored? White print on off white?....
Just trying to use what I have..
My white has a little design in it. But I think we should stick with white this way they will go together better.
No problem.

HI Gin!
Are we aiming for "white" white.... Or can it be off white? Cream colored? White print on off white?....
Just trying to use what I have..
GrannysRoost said, if anyone wanted to do an extra 6 she will do 6 so we have 12 people total.

Let me know if anyones interested.
GrannysRoost said, if anyone wanted to do an extra 6 she will do 6 so we have 12 people total.

Let me know if anyones interested.

Hi Gin,
Sorry I'm blond. Now just for the records..........we are 11 girls, which will make 12 blocks.........11 blocks got send to you, one block stays @ home
, so basictly we only send 10 blocks and 2 will stay home, so nobody need to make 6 extra............. or am I totaly wrong?
By the way, did I say, that I'm blond?
I am also Very Blonde. I thought we were supposed to send all 12 and then 12 will be sent back. Either way is fine with me. I am willing to make 6 more blocks if someone else wants to make six. Does it have to be different material patterns than the original one you are doing? Also I have white on white fabric is that okay?
I'm reluctant to take on 6 more - I have some looming deadlines for custom ordered knit items & work, or I would LOVE to help - but I wonder if "we" somehow posted in the tagline that we were looking for someone to split blocks with another person (6 and 6) if we could rope someone in who is "on the fence".

I bet there is someone who has been lurking, wanting to do the swap but worried about the number of blocks, who would step up if they only had to make 6.

PS. My fabric hasn't come yet, but it shipped today! WooHoo! I am ready to get quilting & take a break from all the knitting I have been doing lately.

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