Blond Emus?

Me first


I want one too
I've decided I want one of these unusual colored ones to replace my Emu that was killed by the bobcat. (my surviving Emu is put up at night now, so no I wont be putting him or any new Emu at risk again).

Why are these so hard to find? Does anyone know where I could get one? There has to be more then one breeder in all of North America...
I think it just occurs naturally..there is no special breeding to create the lighter color. I have 4 emu right now (all about 10 months old) and one of my is more of a cream (think cream of mushroom soup) color. Definitely different that the darker grey and black Emu's. He's really cool looking, and smaller than the other 3 as well. I'll see if I can snap a couple photos tomorrow.

I believe this one came from the eggs I got from Foulman ( I think)..otherwise I did buy some from an Emu ranch down in Tenessee as well, so it came from one of those two.

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