blood ring or blind

Granny Hatchet

Tastes like chicken
Premium Feather Member
10 Years
Sep 26, 2013
madison Indiana
I received 9 serama eggs in the mail. they went in the bator on the morning of the 21st. I candled at day 3, seen nothing, day 5 showed veining in 4 of them , one a blood ring and the rest were clear. day 7 shows the same thing. I opened 2 to confirm and they didnt look fertile. I wasnt comfortable doing the blood ring and i did keep it in the bator . today, one that i seen with NO veining looks to have a blood ring. may i say that neither one of the 2 are a complete ring but 3/4th of the way around. i kept those 2 and the other clear one in the bator because now i have no confidence in my candling ability. how do you go from nothing on day 7 to blood ring on day 8 ? I have done my fair share of incubating and even some assisted hatches. the clear one i have left looks to have either 2 yolks or the yolk is busted. the 2 i opened also looked to have a busted yolk. I cant do pics so i know this is a hard call but should i toss the 3 and keep what i know to be growing? i am afraid of contaminating the good ones. I also only have these few in the bator and i know that dont help the hatch. the humidity is holding at 40 % w/ a dry bator. and air cells are on track.
I always go on if I'm not sure I leave them in the incubator. I find as well that if I have one I'm unsure of that I smell it you can usually tell by the smell of it's going bad. Also I do regular smelling of the incubator near the vent hole and if I smell something bad there I will open it up and check my unsure eggs.

It's quite possible in 24 hours they could develop a blood ring. If you think it only takes 21 days for full incubation, egg to chick a lot can happen in 24 hours. Also I find some eggs a bit sneaky as that you can think they are clear at day7 but then candle day14 and you have development. I have read of people learning from this, thinking eggs are clear only to crack them open and find a developing chick in the egg.

Good luck with your eggs :fl
thank you both for your response. I will wait another day and recheck but i have no sense of smell. scary. lol terrible when you cant smell anything and then the eyes start going too. seems as if one of the windows in the incubator could be replaced with a magnifying glass.
Both of mine out of the hatch I am in went from blank to blood ring in 24 hours and I want to say neither went 100% around. They didn't smell, not even when I took them out and cracked them, but there wasn't any embryo development in them. The one that almost blew up, had no blood ring whatsoever, no embryo and stunk to high heavens when I took it apart. funny thing was it wasn't a normal rotten egg smell. Just as bad though.
yup ! thats what it did. i looked today. the 2 were blood ring and one infertile . so i still have 4 good ones. I wont candle again til lock down and i think i am going to make that on day 16. my bantams hatch on day 18 so i am eggspecting these a bit earlier still. the egg is half full already. not counting air cell of course. so that egg went frow 0 to 60 in 24 hrs. to me that is amazing.
I have 3 on lock down. so eggsited ! since it is after midnight i guess you could say this is day 19 but not really til about 10 am. no rocking yet. worrys me some. LOL at this point every thing is going to worry me. I bought a new incubator for lock down because the pr. of seramas i got with these eggs are giving me an egg about every other day and they are going straight into the bator. I think i have 5 on the other side. 2 are on day one is day 11 and the others are in between except for one went in today. I really hope the first 3 all hatch because after them they will be related. it will only be 33% hatch rate if they all make it . better then 0.
oh, thank you.
my turner is an older model and the bars/ that go across are metal so when i took that out the temp. dropped from99.5 to 98 . I hope it wont bother hatch. i didnt want to try and change it in fears of cooking them. so maybe i will go the full 21 days this time.
Small temp changes at the end of incubation are not as important than during as the chicks also start to produce their own heat in the egg. So they should be fine and you may find that once they have been in there a little longer your incubator will settle. Any temp changes shouldn't made anyway untill it's had time to settle. Too many people start twiddling the thermostat and expect the temp change immediately. So I think you have done right thing by leaving it :thumbsup

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