Blood Spot in egg - Jumping??


12 Years
Sep 12, 2007
Collinsville, MS
I have had 31 RIR eggs in the incubator for 6 days now. Most look good, a few not sure about. I am new to incubating and candleing eggs and trying to get used to what I should be seeing.
One of the eggs doesn' t look like the rest, it looks like it has a blood spot in it and veins coming off of it. The strange thing is that it seems to jump around inside however still I hold it.
Has anyone else experieinced this or know what might be going on?
Thank you.
Sounds like it is alive! If it has a red cloudy spot with veins around it, then it is fertile. And if it is moving on its own, then it is surely alive. I love to candle eggs, and watch the babies swirl around in there. Sometimes, I candle a few times a week just to watch them grow. Doesn't seem to bother them at all
it's a dancing peep
What do the ones look like that you consider "good"? RIR eggs are a little harder to see in than white eggs since they are brown, so it is likely you will see babies in the others soon. I am finally seeing babies pretty good in my brown eggs but the veins are still kinda hard to make out in some of the darkest ones....I am on day 8.
I have just candled them all, and have found 2 that jump like that. The others have veins but can't see the defined dark spot like in those two.
Thanks for all your replies.

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