Blooie's Blankie Fort

Kendra got home this afternoon! We are all so happy it's unreal! Her pigtails came undone during the drive but I've still never seen anything look so good!!!


Thank God for answered prayers! :) we will continue to pray and please keep us all updated.

Also how are all the little silkies?
They are doing so well, thanks for asking!! They love living outside with the bigger chicks. Notice I said "bigger" not older. The White Cochin and the little gray Silkie are always together and everytime I see them I grin. The bigger chicks are the ones I got from @MyPetChicken

Hidin' and not very well.

These two characters are always together. Look at the size difference for being hatched just a few days apart!

Mingling....they get along great.

One of the little splash Silkies.

The one we hope will be a Red Splash. I think she thinks I can't see her!

Katie and her "bucket of chicken" the day we took them outside to live in the brooder.

I just love this little girl....
Hi Blooie!! I was thinking about you today. How are the girls? Is Kendra continuing to bounce back after the surgery? I hope all our chickies are doing well.

I hope the weather hasn't been too hot in your area!

Take care!!
For some stupid reason I decided to revisit this thread.....wonder why it went to sleep? I was on duty here at the fort, and I guess I "blooied" it! So wake up!! POKE POKE.....

How's everyone doing? Any big changes? Any chocolate overdoses? Lego accidents? Eggs newly set? Come on - inquiring minds!
Yay- the blanket fort has been set up again!
A. Fine
B. No
C. Is there such a thing??
D. Yes. :/
E. Not until spring... :hit

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