Blue Copper and Splash Copper Marans Discussion

It is amazing that I remember my Mendelian genetics from high school biology 35 years ago. It's the brown eyed/blue eyed parent equivalent.....sort of....

AA(black copper) X aa(splash) = 100% Aa(Blue)
AA(black copper) X Aa(blue) = 50% AA(black), 50%Aa(blue)
Aa(Blue) X Aa(Blue) = 25% AA(black), 50% Aa(blue), 25% aa(splash)

Do I have that straight?
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What is the best color variety of rooster to put with splash marans? I dont care what color chicks I get.
If you use a splash rooster, you will get all splash. If you use a black you will get all blue. If you use a blue, you will get splash and blue. The splash will dilute the colors of whatever you use. The one color you won't get is black, regardless. I like the blues, but would like to have some splash chicks, so I guess I will need a blue rooster or a splash one for my black and blue hens. Right now I have a black rooster.

A blue rooster will give you a little variety in color. You could then get a couple of black hens, and potentially get all 3 colors.
I just ordered 3 blue copper maran chicks (rooster & 2 hens) from meyer's hatchery :) They should be here on wednesday or thursday - we're super excited to have chickens again :) I'll post pics when they come - we're also getting 3 blue ameraucana's :)
Any chicks?? Any chick pics?? Any chick flicks??

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