Blue Swedish came today! Advice on how I'm doing


In the Brooder
10 Years
Jan 18, 2010
Northern Rhode Island
Hello - Our 3 Blue Swedish came this morning. I have had chickens for a few years now, but want to make double sure I am doing ok by these little cuties. They are in a ex-large dog crate, I put mesh along the sides so they wont pop out.
On one end I put straw/hay then I put down sawdust towards the front.

I have a aluminum tray that has both a bowl of started, unmedicated, and a bowl/dish of water that has some feed in it.
The heat lamp is clamped to the inside 'roof' of the crate, When I had it hooked to the outside and pointing in they were shivering a bit so I moved it to the inside.

Good? Bad? Suggestions?

Oh they have Brutus the protector watching them :) He's our German Shepherd. He did the same thing when the chicks arrived.
They are ducklings right? Add some niacin or brewers yeast to their food it's important cuz they're gonna grow up super fast and need strong legs, i have swedish too you're gonna luv them
Thanks for the tip. How much do I add? Also, just making sure I am doing it right, I have a bowl of feed but I put a couple of handfuls into their water dish. Correct?

One is so much tinier than the other two - my husband said they were picking at her bill and eyes, but I see no discharge or anything, thoughts?
I would put a tablespoon of brewer's yeast on their food daily and let them all eat that.

A poultry multivitamin once a week is something else I would do - add it to their water according to directions.

No he/she is gonna be ok as long as they have enough food and space.

Some pic would be nice :p
Thanks for the tip. How much do I add? Also, just making sure I am doing it right, I have a bowl of feed but I put a couple of handfuls into their water dish. Correct?

One is so much tinier than the other two - my husband said they were picking at her bill and eyes, but I see no discharge or anything, thoughts?
I've spent a lot of time watching my new ducklings and I thought they were biting at each other, then I realized they were just eating food that was stuck to their feathers! They're so messy!

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