Bobwhite quail hatch in progress.....


8 Years
May 7, 2011
Liberty NC (near Burlington)
....I have 41 BW eggs in the bator, day 23 JUST started , and I see quite a few tiny pips! Here are pics so far.

They came from Lake Cumberland Game Birds. In great shape when they arrived. Ordered 50, got 55, locked down 41. Pipping tonight.

Gotta get to bed, looks like things might be getting busy around here soon.

Here is our brooder. DO NOT BE AFRAID OF THE SECURITY DOG, despite his ferocious, terrifying demeanor.

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Are they giggling around in the eggs and not hatching? What is your humidity level and temp? Are you using a still or forced air incubator?
They are in a Hovabator 1588 forced air. Temp has been steady at 100, humidity upped to 70 - 73 for the past few days (before that it was at 60). They aren't jiggling, but then again, I have them upright in a carton. Could that be why? Can hear them cheep-cheeping.

EDITING TO SAY NEVERMIND!!!! They are hatching out like POPCORN!! Literally, as I sat typing those details above, six of them zipped and hatched! Four more just about to jump out. THANKS EVERYONE!
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Congrats on the new babies!!! You had us all worried. I know how it is on is easy to get worried. LOL

Pics when you got them!

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