body of infant found....


12 Years
Oct 28, 2007
Fernandina Beach Fl.
I'd like to string thing guy up by his **** and let him hang from this bridge till he rots.... threw his 4 young children Ryan Phan, 3, Hannah Luong, 2, Lindsey Luong, 1, and Danny Luong, 4 months – off the bridge after an argument with his wife.

murdering an adult is bad enough but 4 helpless kids... as a father that sickens me beyond can any father look at his kids and even think of harming them?

I can only hope this POS dies a slow painful death

a duck hunter found one of the bodies today...
full story
it's like the guy boohooing about his death sentence and saying it may be painful.....same guy who got in a traffic accident, shot 2 cops, shot and killed the driver of the other car and his wife and then shot their 2 yr old (survived).

and this guy thinks we're going to feel sorry for him because his death may hurt? .... what kinda sick **** kills a babys parents right in front of them and then shoots the kid... I'd like to give the guy the needle myself...skip the other 2 ingredients and go right for the sodium pentathol

everytime I see a crime against a kid I think of my daughter and it just angers me to no end.
whats so bad is the system. here in sc . if ya remember the lady who pushed her car down a ramp into a lake drowned both her kids. well she is pregnant and in prison lol.this is a messed up world.
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yeh susan smith....she should have had her tubes tied before she even left the courthouse
this is, in every sense of the word, horrific.
it truely defies understanding.
what a selfish, vile, evil creature.
The next horrific thing that follows what this guy did is the lawyer that will either plead him insane or try to get him a lesser penalty than a painful death.....where is the justice.
Johnny, I too was shocked over that Susan Smith situation when she got pregnant by the prison many reasons for that being wrong but the biggest is that she was able to produce again after purposefully hooking her babies in their booster seats so they couldn't get out, then making the car go in the water for them to drown ...all so her bofriend wouldnt have to put up with her kids...holy cow, how do people like that ever sleep without having conference with the devil every night.....Darlene
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It is getting to the point that I no longer want to even watch the news or the news on the computer. So much terrible horrific acts against each other and it is really very scary. That guy should be looking at a tall oak tree.
I had not heard about Susan Smith, wow. I am thinking to myself how could that have happened and then Scrambled enlightened me. Wow again is all I can say.
We have 300 million people in this country. Sick things like this are
unfortunately unavoidable. For some very sad reason it is part of the
human condition.

What has really changed is the 24/7 media looking for every horrid story
and repeatedly broadcasting it. I try to stay away from the standard media

While I am against the death penalty I am not against that womans family
having the right to cover that son of a ***** with gasoline and throw the
match. The oak tree idea sounds good too, just make it slow.

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