Bonney Lake, WA Headlines............

Seems to me that any dog that attacks another animal is a dangerous dog, unless it is self-defense or a LGD. And just because the law is broad does not mean the chicken is raised to the level of a child. My only surprise about this is: I thought dangerous dogs needed a $250,000 bond not $50,000 here in Washington.

Trick is, what if your dog kills a rat? Thats a good dog in my book. What if your dog attacks a raccoon trying to rip its way into your coop? Still a good dog in my book whether LGD or not.

Obviously the dog should not have been running loose and killed a chicken. They probably need the insurance just for being bad dog owners.
Well, Krem2 news is more of a sensational news station in my experience, so I am wondering what else is behind the story.
And who or what else has a complaint against the dog that would therefore make it unnewsworthy and just another dog in trouble story.
ok ya i would be ticked if my neighbors dog killed one of my chickens but i wouldnt take the matter to court, have the dog put in the pound, or anything like that...i would simply ask the owner of the dog to pay for the bird and to keep the dog locked up for now on or the next time the dog comes onto my property it wont come back...i mean seriously the dog is a FAMILY PET named Meesha, the chicken probably didnt have a name and is just dog has killed a few chickens before (of my own) and he is one of the nicest dogs in the world...he loves people, has a great personality and he keeps the raccoons and other animals away...just because a dog killed a chicken dosnt mean its dangerous...
Looks like the dog owners have no real remorse for the dead chicken or its owners feelings... nice..
Typical "its all about ME attitude"....

And yes, the dog IS dangerous.. its dangerous to chickens...
My dog is dangerous to birds too... Its a fact, just like its a fact with this "locked-up" dog..... i wont try to dismiss and make excuses and get pity for what she did.
These people irk me....
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Any station that would let Nadine Woodward go, can kiss my donkey. KREM FTL.

I love Q6's new billboards. Just a huge pic of her and her name, then in small letters at the bottom, Q6.
I loved the part about the dog being impounded after the SECOND time it was caught roaming the neighborhood. Poor dog...silly owner!

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