Bootin' a broody chicken out of the nestbox.


11 Years
Aug 31, 2008
Humboldt County, CA
Disclaimer: we have no rooster.

My Jersey Giant hen refuses to leave the nest box. I don't know how many times I've gone out there and moved her out of the coop. Eggs or no eggs under her, she's always in there. What gives?? Should I just let her be or what? I worry about her getting skinny from not pecking around all day like the other girls.
ive heard to break them you can put them in a small cage (like one for transporting or quarantine) with no bedding or straw in it - just some food and water and they will eventually give in and give up (for a while) or you could give in and get her some fertilized eggs!!!
I've thought about putting some eggs under her.. right now I am trying to catch a racoon (although I am ended up with the neighborhood skunk population instead) so I don't think we're prepared for it just yet. I'd rather her just lay some eggs and eat some bugs!
Best way to break a hen of broodiness is a cage, but it should be one with a wire bottom, and up off the ground. This way she can't sit and hold heat under her. Or yes, fertile eggs if you can get them
my BR and RIR went broody a week ago or so, no one is laying because they are molting so I closed the door on them, they are forced to stay outside, they got over it!
I have my first batch of chickens..they hatched in Feb. this year. Would a hen go broody this young? Also it is very hot and although I would really like chicks (really) Im afraid my hen will be in real heat trouble if I let her try to sit in there without moving around. She got on yesterday, has about 3 eggs under her (not all hers) and has been on there all night. I hope it isnt that she is egg bound or something. Any thoughts? Kick her off and wait til spring?
Yes. My cage is actually built into the coop. It started out as a brooder (with a tray on the bottom that I can take out), now it just sits there and is used for whatever I need it for.
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