Bought some Ayam Cemani and Gray Peacock Pheasant Eggs! Scary!


7 Years
Jan 18, 2013
Fort White, FL
Has anyone hatched out Ayam Cemani eggs? If so, any tips? Also the Gray Peacock Pheasant. I just purchased a dozen Ayam Cemani eggs and they said they are going to give me some Gray Peacock Pheasant eggs to go along with them. I'm excited, but scared this is the most I have paid for eggs! I hatch hundreds a week, but never any expensive ones!
Wow! Where on Earth did you get them? I think your best bet will be to ask the seller how they hatch, since they're such a rare breed. I didn't even realize anyone outside of Greenfire Farms had them.
Someone had them on ebay. They have pictures of their flock they said they acquired from Oregon. I read that there were like 3 people with flocks here in the US and have seen people in the US post that they have them on here a couple times. I'll ask them to see how they do :) I'm excited.
Cool! I saw an ad on there for some that were supposedly 'split to lavender' but I figured those are just mutts so I've stayed away. Good find! If the eggs hatch well for you, I'd be really interested in getting eggs once your birds start laying. It's a beautiful breed. Oh, and it looks like the breed has its own thread on here: You might try asking over there and see what they say. Anyway, good luck with the eggs!!

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