Boys, who wants them lol

I don't plan on accepting an apology. If something was going on that would have caused that, you'd figure after 3 years he could at least say I'm ticked off, don't do anything. Or I'm not in a good mood, I'm going home to take a nap. My friend Alex is doing a darn good job of cheering me up "The turkeys didn't like him anyway"
and "He never could fluff up bigger than Sucko"
I'm fine is his feathers get ruffled, he's human but he KNOWS not to call me anything he called me. I don't use those words, uh uh. We ain't trailer trash here, I won't be talked to like I am. Sigh. His books will be in lost and found in the morning, he'll get them or he won't. Freedom
. At least until it hits me
Please tell me I'm not the only person who would have walked silently out to the barn, got a big scoop of game bird crumbles, and dumped it on his head, followed with a bucketful of hosepipe water.

No- I woulda dumped the water, then the crumbles

Chicks- keep your chin up, there are a LOT of good guys out there when you are ready. And I would give my brother the books to return to him. Sounds like you have a good brother!
Good for you for not putting up with that! And good for your brother, too! My two big brothers teased me unmercifully, growing up, but they were ALWAYS there for me if anybody else started picking on me. Aren't brothers great?

Everytime I start feeling sorry for my middle-aged, overweight, crabby self, I'm reminded that you couldn't pay me enough to be a teenager, again.


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