Breda Fowl thread

My Cuckoo all grown up

He has filled out nicely. About 18 months now. Here is is today. Below at about three months and twelve months. They are slow growers but they do get big!

They are beautiful. I have 11 of these. It's very true that they grow slow. They are such an amazing breed. I love mine so much.
They are beautiful. I have 11 of these. It's very true that they grow slow. They are such an amazing breed. I love mine so much.

Which do you love more about your Breda - looks or temperament?

Temperament was my first objective, looks second, and utility last. I have never had such a great-natured breed, sweeter than even our Silkies and I never thought anything could be sweeter than our bantams. As for looks I wanted such an unusual breed that it would get 2nd and 3rd looks which is why I went with the beautifully laced Blue - the no-comb, profusely feathered legs, and vulture hocks also add to the rare looks. I didn't want a Cuckoo pattern since the less knowledgeable Joe Q. Citizen would just assume it was a BR just because it's striped. Though egg production is not top of my list I still wanted a fair layer and all the owner feedback has been decent (better than Orloffs and Pavies) so far.

I'm zoned for 5 hens only so picking my gentles breeds has been a process for the last 4 years. From re-homing to deaths, I've gone thru 13 birds to the 4 girls I have left. We just got our Blue Breda pullet today to make it 4 girls. Next year or the year after I will have time to decide on my 5th and final addition - waiting for the AI scare to pass before ordering anything from out-of-state. Most breeders have closed down sales already because of AI Interstate bans.
They are slow growers but they do get big!

It's very true that they grow slow.
I have no knowledge of the Breda cockerels other than the Blue one that was mis-sent to us at 4 mo old. He was tall, gangly, and got big rapidly in the one month we had him but in all that time he only grew two tail feathers - probably would've had more if his pullet companion hadn't picked his feathers. Anyway the dark dark hackles and sickle feathers were just coming in over his light blue feather-base and I told my DH he'll be a pretty bird if you have the patience to wait for all that beauty to grow in. It was amazing how much he grew in one month both in weight and adult male feathering. I would've loved keeping him until he reached prime maturity which I believe is 2 years but we had to re-home him with friends before the neighbors complained of his 1:00 a.m. crowing! He is such a love and so friendly that his new owner lets him come into the house (after being a ladies' man all day) to sleep on the dog's bed. And the family is vegetarian so he'll never be a dinner meal!
If anyone wants to take on the responsibility of a new color startup with these rare imports, I am considering shutting down the Cuckoo line this fall, so I can concentrate more on the Mottled ( I need the space). I am in Sacramento CA area. I have two mature roosters, several cockerels, a few dozen chicks, one hen, and many pullets. I bred black hens with both the Cuckoo roosters this spring which were from my Mottled and GFF Blue groups (for genetic health), so it is a diverse group, and it would make a great project. I do not think shipping would work as the roosters are at quite large, but it is an option.
Hi all - here's our new sweetie today - thanks, Christine! My DH chose "Phaedra" for her name - he is the one that likes the Blues. The pic doesn't do her justice but I have a little digital camera.
She's already bossing me around. She's staring at me because she knows if she walks up to me at the computer desk I'll get up to fetch her boiled egg bits or shelled sunflower seeds to scratch and peck for! She was milling around in the quarantine kennel but finally got bored and came out to beg for treats after I refilled her feed bowl 3x today! She's not afraid to come straight up to me and fly up onto the desk to check things out - we left her alone to do as she pleased and by leaving her alone she came up to us to get attention! Amazing outgoing curious breed! She has the cutest fuzzy feathered feet. I REALLY need a better camera!

Love your mottleds
See my favorite girl --- took a few hundred but now I have about 10 just like her coming up and even a rooster (which for some reason almost never happens). I will have a viable breeding group of 100% mottled by Spring


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