Breda Fowl thread

Yes, I think they are rare there year I want to get some stock from Dutch Connection. Since they really do have a Dutch connection I will ask about the rarity of Bredas in their homeland. Of course, I need more chickens like a hole in the head - I'm up to around 50ish in total, only 17 are Bredas tho'....
Some of my layer hens are getting up there in age, I have 4 that are 7 years, 3 that are 5 years. I keep saying they won't last another year, but here they are going strong.
Hope all goes well for Danzs' surgery - do you know when?
Haha! Hope the neighbors can't count...if they say anything tell them they must have counted one twice!!;)
I'm fortunate my partner doesn't count the chickens....and we have no close neighbors, so the roosters and barnyard noise don't bother anyone.

Wow! You have 17 Breda's -- I'm jealous!! I currently have only one lovely Cuckoo Breda but she's molting right now. She has a bunch of porcupine quills growing from her new toe feathers -- must be miserable to go thru molt. My Cuckoo is from RFR who originally got her Cuckoo stock from Dutch Conn and so far my Cuckoo girl has been healthy -- not even a sniffle and her eggs have been larger than the B/B/S hens. My Cuckoo went broody a couple times for about 3 weeks each time but I don't mind. I'm glad she went broody to give her body a rest from laying so many eggs in a row -- sometimes 9 days of laying before skipping a day. That takes a nutrition toll on a hen's body so her having a broody break is okay with me.

Danz had surgery on the 8th w/ a minimum 4-day hospital stay and then a long recuperation at home later. She has outside help to care for her downsized flocks until she gets back up to par. She has so many lovely birds like white peacocks, Sebastapol geese, game birds, turkeys, and many varieties of chickens including the lovely Breda. She also breeds Great Pyrennes pups.

I'm fortunate so far to have an empty house next door since the owner passed away and the neighbor at my backyard fence is 92 yrs old and been wonderful about our chickens. No one has complained in the 6 yrs I've had chickens -- only thing that makes me nervous is what kind of new neighbors I'll have once the empty house gets sold next door.

Had someone's annoying pet bunny creep into my backyard eating my veggie garden. DH kept shoo'ing it away but it kept coming back so we finally had to take it to the animal shelter when no one would claim it. We figured someone got it as a pet Easter bunny and then it escaped their yard. It was a sweet gentle bunny but I can't let it loose in my garden patch and I won't keep a pet animal caged. Someone at the animal shelter was looking for a bunny so it worked out.
Finally - here's a pic of Lurch. He is quite handsome...I was coop cleaning so he had to go outside, much to his dismay!
People can be so irresponsible about bunnies and ducklings. They buy them b/c they are cute and then get bored with them....I will not sell any bunnies around Easter time. If folks are interested they will come back.
Keep your fingers crossed for good neighbors :). Funnily, enough there is a bit of evidence that says people like living next to chickens (no roosters) - makes it feel 'countrified'...
DSCF6005 (1).JPG
I understand. My quest for Bredas' started around 3 years ago with a chance introduction to a pair of blues....since then I have been researching, trying to find reputable breeders etc.
It is worthwhile taking your time since they are such a rare and unusual bird :)
boskelli -- Lurch is so beautiful!

As for getting new neighbors, I think it will be a family w/ kids since the house has 4 bdrms and 2 baths. And kids means they'll have animals, or a dog at least, so maybe they won't mind putting up w/ our egg "songs."
If they do have a dog, I hope they keep in away from your girls....

Two years ago we ripped out the 60-yr-old chainlink fence and put up a 6-foot block wall around the property with an additional 18" privacy fencing over that, plus we put in iron gates to lock up the property from roaming stray dogs. The only thing we can't keep off the property are bunnies and cats.

We lost our 6-yr-old spunky Black Silkie pullet today. She was our smartest, smallest, spunkiest little chicken and now she's gone! She had a huge petrified rubbery egg stuck to her vent so I didn't pull it and just soaked her in very warm water to soften but I still didn't want to cause damage, there was a little bleeding. We immediately wrapped her up in a towel to keep warm and rushed her to the vet. The egg was softened enough from my soaking to come apart in the vet's hands but apparently the egg had been stuck to her innards and her ovaries were outside. Vet said she had a bleeding tumor. We all decided it best to euthanize her. She had layed a large hard rubbery egg a couple weeks ago and I already knew then it was not a good sign. I miss her so much and can't stop my watery eyes.

I was worried about having too many chickens when we picked up the three new Dominique chicks this month after losing the Blue Breda juvenile too. I've lost too many sweet girls this past year -- 5 total. There's only an old Partridge Silkie and my Cuckoo Breda left outdoors. I feel like I'm starting all over again now with the new Dom chicks. I'm glad I found chicks earlier this month as I was unaware my little flock would dwindle so suddenly.
Two years ago we ripped out the 60-yr-old chainlink fence and put up a 6-foot block wall around the property with an additional 18" privacy fencing over that, plus we put in iron gates to lock up the property from roaming stray dogs. The only thing we can't keep off the property are bunnies and cats.

We lost our 6-yr-old spunky Black Silkie pullet today. She was our smartest, smallest, spunkiest little chicken and now she's gone! She had a huge petrified rubbery egg stuck to her vent so I didn't pull it and just soaked her in very warm water to soften but I still didn't want to cause damage, there was a little bleeding. We immediately wrapped her up in a towel to keep warm and rushed her to the vet. The egg was softened enough from my soaking to come apart in the vet's hands but apparently the egg had been stuck to her innards and her ovaries were outside. Vet said she had a bleeding tumor. We all decided it best to euthanize her. She had layed a large hard rubbery egg a couple weeks ago and I already knew then it was not a good sign. I miss her so much and can't stop my watery eyes.

I was worried about having too many chickens when we picked up the three new Dominique chicks this month after losing the Blue Breda juvenile too. I've lost too many sweet girls this past year -- 5 total. There's only an old Partridge Silkie and my Cuckoo Breda left outdoors. I feel like I'm starting all over again now with the new Dom chicks. I'm glad I found chicks earlier this month as I was unaware my little flock would dwindle so suddenly.
:hit :hugsso sorry! It's always hard when they have been part of your life for so long. Think of her up in the evergreen pasture with no predators to bother her...she is happy and very content now.
I'm sure the new babies will keep you busy for a while and they will be able to join up with the 'old ladies' soon enough. :)
Your place sounds like Fort Knox...but if I had to live in town that is exactly what I would do. Too many people prefer minding other folks business than their own...
I was so bummed losing my two Blue Breda juveniles plus our old Black Silkie adult but these 3 Dominique girls are helping to alleviate the sadness. Sweet, pesty, friendly, outgoing, curious, active breed -- going on 7 weeks. They're like mini-adults, foraging, scratching, dust-bathing, catching bugs, eating produce, and very friendly-pesty:

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