Breed and gender? Help please :)


Aug 24, 2015

Hi all! My mom bought me these three darlings for my birthday and I'm wondering if the woman selling them was correct. I know the white and blue are standard Cochins. She said the white was a too and the blue was a hen. I think they look just alike
Also, the black hen is supposed to be a Plymoth Rock? She has black legs with the bottom of her feet yellow. These are my first chickens I'm raising by myself and I want to make sure I know what I have. Thanks!

I'm sorry to say that both of your Cochins look like cockerels. Your black pullet looks like a Jersey Giant or an Australorp but since you said is had yellow on the bottom of it's feet then I would say Jersey Giant.
Thank you! That's what I was afraid of when it came to the Cochins. The black pullet I had no clue but didn't think Plymouth Rock. The picture doesn't show but her little crown is pink.
The white one looks kind of like a Light Brahma. Could just be a young columbian cochin though. Do you know how old they are? That can help determine gender. If the black one has black legs I don't see it being a pure Plymouth Rock, but it could be a mix.
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I think it's quite likely they're all mixed to some degree.

The white bird is a cockerel. His color looks to be Colombian, but I don't think Cochins come in that color. His straight comb rules out Brahma. The blue bird is also a cockerel, and looks to be barred. Cochins do come in barred, but not usually in blue barred. The little black bird is a pullet. She could be a Giant, but doesn't look like one to me. She could be a mixed breed bird, something like an Aussie x Rock could easily look like that.
@serenity06 the seller said the white was a splash Cochin. Thank you all for the replies! I guess my black hen will just be my little mystery haha.
That isn't splash coloration, it looks like a light brahma mix. The black girl wants to be a Australorp . I can't enlarge the photos, and don't see the blue one well enough to comment on.
Wow, just looked up Brahmas. My little guy is looking like a Brahma. Like I said, I'm brand new. My Mom has had a few "Leggerns"
for eggs for a couple years now and she knew I loved the silkies and cochins. Definitely starting to believe my doubts about this woman that "knew" her chickens. Once again thanks for the replies!
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