Breed and gender please


6 Years
Nov 26, 2013
South Bay San Jose CA
Got them from a person who bought a lot that came with these. The father appeared to be Leghorn and mothers unknown. If you guys can suggest what sex of each these appear and also rather they look Leghorn a bit or not, that'd be greatly appreciated and thank you.
The one on the right is 100% rooster
The one on the left is giving me second thoughts as it has very small dainty legs for a female but the comb is very big for a pullet

They both look like they have leghorn in them
Mixed breed roosters. They could have some leghorn in them, and the white from the leghorn dominates most other colors, making it very difficult to see what other breed(s) could be there.
Both look like cockerels. They may be poor quality Leghorns (because of the white legs on the left bird), or Leghorn mixes.
The one on the right is definitely a cockerel, and based on comb size, I'd say the one on the left is, too. As for breed, they're either hatchery quality White Leghorns or Leghorn mixes. Could even be White Plymouth Rocks, but probably not, as those have a different body type.
The father looked dead on like this one here. No spots or nothing. Wish I took a pic. Thanks you guys anyways. I was really hoping for a hen, but oh well. I'm sure it'd mix well with my barred rock hen, orpington or RIR. Not sure what'd be a better mix, but if they're both cocks, one will have to go for sure:(
I was told pullets and Ameracauna. What do you think?
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Those look to be pullets but they are not Ameracauna. Ameracauna only come in 8 specific colors and a lot of other specifications and anything less of that is automatically an Easter egger. The one on the left is 100% pullet and the one on the right we'll need to see a clear picture of, preferably a side shot.

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