
After looking at the pics again I'm fairly certain that she's a she, regardless of how old she actually is. A rooster would be more colorful and also have a bigger comb.

Try checking the pointy pin bones, located on either side and just below the vent. If you can fit 2-3 fingers between them she's definitely a pullet that's very close to laying!

Mystery solved! She is a she! :cd Look what she left me today!


And you guys were right - it's a green one (hard to tell in picture)!
Mystery solved! She is a she!
Look what she left me today!
And you guys were right - it's a green one (hard to tell in picture)!
Congratulations. It's a nice feeling to predict a pullet accurately (and even the egg color in this instance). Members are usually very disappointed (understandably when they get cockerels instead of pullets. I'm happy for you. :eek:)
Thanks everyone for the help. I think I'm finally catching on about Ameraucanas. Is this correct: if u mix an Ameraucana with anything it becomes an EE. The only way to get an Ameraucana (& for sure a blue egg) is an Ameraucana roo & an Ameraucana hen. Is that correct?
Yes, that's correct.
Yes. True Ameraucana roo and a true Ameraucana hen = true Ameraucana chick. That is the only way to get a true Ameraucana.

Finally! Thanks for helping me understand. I do have another question though. If you're trying to change the pattern or color of an Ameraucana how would you do that - like if you would like to get more lacing on the feathers?
Finally! Thanks for helping me understand. I do have another question though. If you're trying to change the pattern or color of an Ameraucana how would you do that - like if you would like to get more lacing on the feathers?

I'm not sure. I know that Ameraucanas come in several varieties, such as black, blue/black/splash, buff, etc. Just like how there's several color varieties of Plymouth Rocks, such as Barred, White, Buff, Columbian, etc. So for example, if you were to breed a Barred Plymouth Rock with a Buff Plymouth Rock you'd get a bird that is colored like neither parent. Yes, the bird would technically be a purebred Plymouth Rock, but many would still consider it a mix. I believe the same would be true with crossing different color varieties of Ameraucana, but I'm not sure. I suggest you contact an Ameraucana breeder or two or three and ask their opinions.
Thanks everyone for the help. I think I'm finally catching on about Ameraucanas. Is this correct: if u mix an Ameraucana with anything it becomes an EE. The only way to get an Ameraucana (& for sure a blue egg) is an Ameraucana roo & an Ameraucana hen. Is that correct?

Yes to question one. An Ameraucana X another breed gives you an EE.

Practically speaking, yes to question 2. Although you would also be guaranteed in getting a blue egg if you crossed an Ameraucana with an Araucana (which also lays blue eggs, but I am tripping beyond the gist of your question here). :eek:) The bottom line is, it requires a blue egg gene rooster X a blue egg gene hen to guaranteed a blue egg laying offspring.

There is a good article at explaining the differences between Ameraucanas, Araucanas, Easter Eggers, and Olive Eggers (which are EEs that lay olive colored eggs).

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