Breed / Gender ID - 1st graders hatched them!

Dotty, Stripey, Harry Potter are pullets. Lightning and Blondie are cockerels. Sunny is still a coin toss but I'm leaning towards pullet.
Experience mostly. But the combs on the pullets are short and dull orange/pink. The boys are bright red at this age. Single combed breeds are much easier to tell as they are growing as well. The pea and rose combed breeds are a little harder. But at this age they would brighter red in color.
I am guessing that Sunny is a boy. It's comb is very wide and full looking. Potter looks like it will be awesome.... maybe a girl? Sorry I'm not more helpful. Two weeks ago I got my first batch of chickens and I'll soon be playing the same guessing game you are. 

Thanks! We have no idea what breed they are, the school just ordered an egg assortment. I thought Dotty and Stripey were the same breed (and appear to be a roo Dotty and hopefully a hen stripey) but now I'm not sure because their combs don't look to be the same type!?

Sunny does have a wide comb, and I'm thinking boy. Slow to feather and was the original 'bully' of the bunch.

Any thoughts on breeds? I'll add some hatchling pictures if that helps.

I'm sorry if I confused you. I meant that Dotty had a larger comb than the other chicks. All of your chicks appear to have single combs except for Sunny. Dotty and maybe Stripey appear to be silver-laced( maybe silver penciled for Stripey).
No confusion! Dotty does seem to have a larger comb and it has seemed redder for at least a week! Dotty's appears to be flatter, and not have the ridge like the single comb ones. I'll have to look up the difference between the silver laced and silver penciled. As new hatchlings, we thought they looked very similar.
Dotty and Sunny are doing some serious sparring. They keep trying to Peck at each others necks behind the head. It'll be interesting to see who comes out on top! I *know*it's what they do, but it's hard to watch!
Referencing McMurray's egg assortment possible breed list. Dotty and Stripy are Silver Laced Wyandottes. Harry Potter is a Light Brahma. Blondie is a Buff Orpington or maybe a New Hampshire Red. Sunny is Columbian Wyandotte.  Lightning is most likely an Australorp but they only list blacks and it looks blue.

I wasn't too far off! Harry Potter I was unsure of, and lightning is a puzzle. Lighting feathered very quickly, much faster than the rest. And has had pure white feathers coming in. Unfortunately, also seems to have color coming in on the wattles and comb already :(

If it's true that any color in comb/wattle at this age = roo then I'm afraid HP and Stripey are my only girls.

Dotty has angry red wattles, and also seems to be establishing himself as top of order. If Stripey and Dotty are same breed, then their babies would also be SLW?
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Could Lightning be an Andalusian? Got feathers really fast.


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