Breed guesses?


In the Brooder
Apr 20, 2022
Hi!! So we recently adopted 4 new gals who are about 2/2.5 years old. The man we got them from had over 40 birds and no clue what all he had. Since we grabbed them in the night to make it a little less stressful for the girls, it was hard to see what we were getting. Any ideas what this gal is? Upon a little googling, I thought a welsummer based on her unique coloring… but then today she laid an olive colored egg! I’m stumped!


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She’s also super shy and we can’t get closer than about 10 feet right now - she and her friends weren’t held as chicks and so never acclimated to human touch :(
Hi!! So we recently adopted 4 new gals who are about 2/2.5 years old. The man we got them from had over 40 birds and no clue what all he had. Since we grabbed them in the night to make it a little less stressful for the girls, it was hard to see what we were getting. Any ideas what this gal is? Upon a little googling, I thought a welsummer based on her unique coloring… but then today she laid an olive colored egg! I’m stumped!
Most likley and easter egger.....or olive egger mix

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