Breed of Dog Good with ....


14 Years
Jan 17, 2009
Lancaster County PA
We have a fenced area in which we have six chickens. I am planning on getting orphan lambs (anybody have any) and possibly some more chickens. We are thinking about getting a puppy. What breed of dog likes being around these other animals? We are on a dairy farm so the dog could also be involved in moving and working the cows and heifers when needed. We are located in SE PA.
bull terriers...


If you want a working dog you might consider one of the herding or working breeds. Just remember they are high energy and get creative when bored. Try and steer clear of the sporting breeds they may have a highly developed bird prey drive. I would recommend you go to and do some research. Then when you get ready try to locate an adoptable pet. I have Bluetick Coonhounds which are great varment deterrents, but they are not herding/guard type animals. They do get along great with my chickens and other dogs, but will chase cats if not properly raised with them. Then they are never 100% trustworthy with any animal that will "tree". Good luck finding your perfect puppy. Amy
I agree with your recommendation! As a long time owner (using the word 'owner' members are more like it) of Australian Shepherds I'd say the herding breeds when properly acclimated, are wonderful with other species...they definitely do rank high on the intelligence side, which means they are also very willing to find a job to do if you don't have one for them...not a good thing! That doesn't mean they have to be 'official herding/working' dogs, only that they need to be out with you, part of your life...not chained to a tree or stuck in a backyard.
I've only had chickens since last spring, but both of my Aussies have adapted quite well to the new additions to the family. We let the pullets out in the backyard when we can keep an eye on them. and sometimes they let themselves out, in which case our young Aussie, Macy, is very willing to assist us in herding them back into their run:lol:! Since I've never trained them to herd it's more amusing than anything, but that drive is there. I also have horses and cats, both of which the dogs will help 'relocate' if asked, but only when 'asked,' which is very important. We also have had kids of all ages around and the dogs are fantastic in the family respect. I would just highly recommend that if an Aussie interests you, be sure you plan to spend a lot of time the first year, take him/her everywhere with you, expose them to everything you can and buy him/her from a reputable breeder, NOT a pet store...I am not into showing or herding trials, just love the breed, their personality, their looks...sorry, didn't mean to go on so long!
Bottom line--Definitely do your research on various breeds and use caution when you 'shop.' It's really easy to find a dog....really hard if it's not the right one...
I dunno, I've seen a few LGDs who still had some herding-type traits. My Pyr particularly loves to herd humans towards the treat bag.
They take a little more training, because herding behaviors are really the dog helping you hunt the way a wolf pack cooperatively hunts, but in LGDs this doesn't necessarily translate into an overwhelming prey drive--just means you have to do some extra work to make sure they understand what they are supposed to be doing. There are many LGDs intelligent enough to figure out that a herding behavior doesn't mean they will get a raw chicken dinner for their efforts, but you definitely have to put in some time training.

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