Bresse Chickens

I just hatched my first Bresse chicks from eggs ordered online. I noticed that one of the little yellow chicks has a couple of black "paint" like spots on it's head. I haven't been able to find this info anywhere so is this normal for the breed? Thanks!
Mine are all yellow. And a lot of them have blue legs from day one.
Not normal for Bresse chicks. Watch the leg color--they may not be blue later either.
Yes, mixed with a brown or black breed.
Thanks for all the answers. It fluffed out and the spots are on the rest of it's fluff too and even a spot on one of the legs. The only other breed that the breeder has is Dark Cornish. All the other chicks hatched out yellow with bluish's legs/beak are already bluish as well....maybe one jumped the fence or it was a project egg that was accidently sent. It's awful cute though.
Thanks for all the answers. It fluffed out and the spots are on the rest of it's fluff too and even a spot on one of the legs. The only other breed that the breeder has is Dark Cornish. All the other chicks hatched out yellow with bluish's legs/beak are already bluish as well....maybe one jumped the fence or it was a project egg that was accidently sent. It's awful cute though.
I keep reading about breeders moving a new rooster in or setting up a breeding pen and only waiting a week to collect eggs. I bet if you asked the breeder, he had the hens in with the dark cornish within 30 days of collecting eggs. The percentage of chicks fathered by the old rooster is about 50% for the first two weeks after separation. The percentage starts going down after that but there will still be chicks from the old rooster for 30 days plus.

Hopefully the rest of the chicks will be pure bresse, but you will not know so none of them should be used for breeding.
I just got some Bresse chicks from Greenfire & 2 of them have a black spot on their heads. I'm pretty sure Greenfire does things correctly & that these are purebred.
I just got some Bresse chicks from Greenfire & 2 of them have a black spot on their heads.  I'm pretty sure Greenfire does things correctly & that these are purebred.

talk to gff and make sure. They have hadd accidents and are sllightly notorious for grabbing the wrrong chicks.

They should not have black. Unless they have some new line i don't know about
I just got some Bresse chicks from Greenfire & 2 of them have a black spot on their heads.  I'm pretty sure Greenfire does things correctly & that these are purebred.

GFF has Sulmtaler chicks which are yellow sometimes with a little bit of black on the back of their head. What color are the wing tips coming in as? Sulmtaler chicks tend to be very fluffy.
My first shipment of bresse came from gff and were cream legbars. They resent order but only got two hens out of twelve
I have a white bresse cock with a crow reduction surgery hatched oct 1 for sale $300 (crow reduction surgery was $150) he has dark blue legs and a super sweet temperment and is an EXCELLENT flock protector.

I have too many roosters and I must sell him.
it is the cock on the left in this picture.
Finally incubatng bresse from my own eggs!! 5 hens and 1 roo I chose to keep. Goal

20-25 birds for Freezer..will keep a majority of the hens thahatch since they are decent layers..all roos but a back up will be chosen.

They are not laying well right now though..was getting 3-5 a day in February when I couldnt hatch but now that I can 1-2 if Im lucky!!

I finish mine out on gaots milk soaked scratch and feed with all the extra good leftovers from the gardens. They will be outside with a large fodder 4 x 4 growing box in their outdoor run. Used to roam a large plot of pasture but now they have to be securely fenced.

We have new neighbors with a stupid dog that will kill my birds if he gets the chance...already reported the dog and had the law out here over it!! Cant say I didnt warn the lady if something bad happens.
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