Bresse Chickens

Sorry for late response... the wet run condition in the last several weeks make it hard to capture photo. I purchased few PolyCarbonate Plastic Roof Panels recently and will fix the problem in March/April 2018.View attachment 1211181
Finally found some French Breese eggs here in Arizona. A dozen due to hatch Jan 1 or 2. Fingers crossed for a good hatch. We have been trying to find good eggs locally for months. There were from Greenfire Farm stock.

Incubator mates are a dozen Svart Hona's. Think we will be able to tell them apart? :jumpy
I just posted a side by side comparison of pastured Bresse vs pastured Cornish vs supermarket Cornish that might interest folks.
Thank you for your post....the information that you provided through your testing of the flavor of the various chickens compared with the American Bresse was VERY interesting. I enjoyed your Facebook presentation and applaud your dedication to the breed. Very well done! (Not the chickens....but your presentation)

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