Bresse Chickens

I got a breeding trio from a good friend. I've hatched a few more since. I'm considering bresse farms to get a few more to add to my breeding stock. I'd love input on them. No grudges on how nasty they are when broody. They are a really sweet bird.
I would love some broody ones. Maybe I can get some hatching eggs from you next Fall????
Well, I guess I put my foot in my mouth, because I now have a Bresse hen gone broody. I don't mind so much, but I suspect she's stealing eggs to add to her collection. I've been seeing the other girls in the other usual laying nests but the eggs are missing when I go to collect.. hmmm.. . so I went early today and snatched up two eggs before she can steal them. Will see if there's any more this evening. There's 6 girls total in that pen, and I was getting 4-6 eggs a day before....
Peep show!
Is anyone has both GFF group1 and group2 White Bresse? Is the bird and egg size from group2 larger than group1?
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