Brinsea eco 20 temperature problems!!!

I read on her website that quail can get dwarfism? Aren't they small enough already? Lol. I hope I get an even tinier quail than usual.
Wow! That would be so cute. I'll see if I get any dwarfs next week!
What kind of cage do you have for button quails? I just have large rabbit cages right now.
I've never raised quail before, but I have a few plans. I think they'd be small enough to use an 80 gallon tank as their brooder. I have a bantam coop that's currently unoccupied, so they'll stay in there in their adult years. I'll modify the banty coop in any way they might need.
Sounds great! I would love to see pictures when its all set up. I have a slight problem with my eggs. The hatch day for the button quails is Sunday and the due day for the valley quails is Wednesday.... When I put them in I miss calculated the due dates. I stopped turning the buttons yesterday but im still hand turning the valley quails. Lock down is Sunday for the valleys so I can raise the humidity a lot then. Will the buttons be okay if the humidity is a little low till sunday?
I'm not so sure with quail, although I've never had a problem with it when I lock down chicken eggs on two separate dates. My hatch rate was just fine, even with the increased humidity.You could try averaging out the humidity if you're worried about it. Let's say the humidity for incubation is 60%, and lock down is 80%. You could make it anywhere from 70-75%, and both sets of eggs should still be fine. Remember when I mention range of tolerance? It applies to nearly everything.

What Cheyen said was exactly what I was going to say. Don't raise the lock down humidity for the buttons so high. Maybe half of what you were going to raise it. The buttons should be ok and it shouldn't hurt the valleys either. You might delay the raising of the humdity for the valleys a bit, especially if the eggs are not pipping on Sunday. If the Valleys are pipping, you will have to raise the humidity up more. If the eggs are not pipping on Sunday, don't raise the humidity til Monday. Use your judegement. Good luck with the hatch!

Edit to add: I think I said that wrong. I am still asleep. LOL You can up the humidity for the Buttons a bit lower than you normally would, so you don't drown the Valleys, but come Sunday you can crank up the humidity for the Valleys and the Buttons should hatch ok.

Very confusing this early in the morning. LOL
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Thank you both so much!
I raised the humidity from 50 to 58-60. Ten out of 15 valley quails are moving as of yesterday. I removed 17 buttons that didnt develop but the rest look like they are developing. I'm not going to check them again till they are done hatching.
60% is good. You could probably go as high as 65% without bothering the Valleys. Don't let it fall below 60% for the Buttons. Good luck!

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