Brinsea Improved and expanded Mini and Ovation incubators

That's what I'm figuring out - I'm going to do the salt water hydrometer calibration today and if it's way high come up with a solution.

I'm going to try to check out the air sacs on day 7 a bit more thoroughly and adjust again then if necessary.
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I have 6 eggs in my mini advance right now that does not control humidity automatically nor does it give me a percentage. I'm a total wreck.

In my Test run it was averaging humidity between about 45% and 55%... since putting the eggs in my little digital hydrometer says we are around 55-65. Not sure if the eggs are making the difference releasing humidity or if my gauge is way off. On day three today... no idea how this is going to go. Please keep your fingers crossed.

And based on my level of anxiety I probably would have spent the $$ and had the automatic humidity included if I could do it over again.

Do not fret too much about the humidity. It will go down as the water evaporates. Wait until humidity goes down to 25% and add more water. Humidity has a large range that is good, about 35% to 55% is perfect for incubation. Temperature is much more important and the brinsea incubators are very good at keeping steady temps.
That's what I'm figuring out - I'm going to do the salt water hydrometer calibration today and if it's way high come up with a solution.

I'm going to try to check out the air sacs on day 7 a bit more thoroughly and adjust again then if necessary.
Let us know how they are doing!
Thank you! I'm keeping my expectations fairly low as these eggs were shipped and it's my first time. I must have missed a hairline fracture in one egg- today my bator wasn't turning the eggs properly so I popped off the lid to see what was going on, when I manually tried to turn the disk it wouldn't move. I gently started to remove the eggs and one was stuck, it had leaked out some of the inside of the egg and dried. Ugh. I feel awful. I removed it and quickly cleaned the disk and bottom of the bator with hot hot water and dawn, rinsed thoroughly and reset the eggs. I don't have to much faith but we will see!
Anyone bought the 56 EX? I'm ready to pull the trigger but would like someone's first hand experience before I drop $600.
Anyone bought the 56 EX? I'm ready to pull the trigger but would like someone's first hand experience before I drop $600.
I have not purchased one yet!

Before purchasing, go to Brinsea facebook and get the current discount code--usually gets you 10% off.
Couldn't find the code but I bought from mypetchicken - $50 less than and shipping is $12 cheaper. Thanks though!!

I'll let y'all know how it goes. Fingers crossed, prayers accepted.

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