brood turkeys and ducks together?


10 Years
Feb 16, 2009
Severn Bridge, ON
We are getting 6 Orlopp Bronze Turkeys, 4 pekin ducks and 4 muscovy ducks in two days, all day olds.

They'll all be free ranging during the day and locked up in a stall in the barn at night for safety.

Can I brood them all together, or should I brood the ducks separate from the Turkeys?
It is a lot easier to keep your turkeys dry if you brood them apart. If you brood them together use a wire mess bottom. I also feed my turkeys 30% starter. I feed my ducks water fowl feed that is lower in protein. My turkeys are brooded much longer than ducks. Mine all get along and sleep in my barn at night.

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