BROODER thread! Post pics of your brooders!

So, how much brooder space do chicks need, say, at 1-3 weeks, 4-6 weeks, and 5-8 weeks? The oft-quoted norm of 4 ft per older bird in the henhouse, 10 ft per bird in the run clearly doesn't apply, so what do you all use as the "norm"? Thanks!!
Exactly my question. How much space in a brooder do I need for 18 chicks to get them to the point they can go in the coop---in Tennessee in May so not really cold out at all,
My Brooder made from scraps. Found an old kids bed on the side of the road and used it to make a fairly nice brooder. Used other scraps of lumber I had around the house.






Very nice! I don't like folks throwin stuff on the side of the road but in your case you made very good use of it. One thing I did notice was the styrofoam board you have as a divider. Seems like I read somewhere that chicks would eat it & could die from it or something. I don't really remember. You have yourself a great brooder though, I do know that.
HI, It seems the headline of this thread isn't bringing in an answer for you.
Perhaps if you start a new topic with a headline about brooder size, you'll probably get an answer right away. I'm finding that everyone here loves to be helpful. :^)
I made this out of an old cabinet and the top of a computer desk that was sitting by the road. 30 minutes later Wallah!!! My masterpiece for future kc masterpieces.

Pics of my brooder. I will have 100 chicks in here. It is in our unheated garage. The building is insulated, and I can heat it if needed. I plan to put 34 chicks on each level. I hope this will be sufficient until they get feathered enough to go to the henhouse.




Under everything is a stainless steel walk-in freezer shelf. It is 20" deep x 48" long.
I lined each shelf with Feed bags and put pegboard behind to keep the little characters in there.
The shelf fronts have vinyl house siding drop-down doors for access.
The whole thing, as you can see is wrapped in a warm blanket.
Yes, I have cleaned it all up since the pics were taken. My babies are due at the post office
January 31 - Feb 2nd from McMurray. I am obsessing, waiting for my peeps!
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