Broody died on night of day 16... emergency incubating


Mar 29, 2016
Windsor, CO
My beautiful Light Brahma went broody and I decided to buy her some fertile eggs (we can't have roo's). I created a maternity brooder for her and the move went seamlessly. About day 12-13 she stopped eating much and by the night of day 15 she stopped drinking as well. Being that this was our first broody experience I had a bad feeling in my gut but everything I read told us not to worry and that they go into that "broody haze". Her loss has been devastating.

Somehow... even after not having her for at least 12 hours, there was movement when I candled all 3 of our eggs. I went and purchased an emergency brooder the morning of day 17. I candled one last time that night (before lockdown) and saw more movement than that morning... so we remain hopeful. Today is day 19. This is my first time using an incubator and I'm just crossing my fingers. I'm trying to get as much information as possible with incubating and introducing chicks to an existing flock. This was something our Princess was supposed to do... I'm still reeling from her loss and now trying to figure out the best way to be her human replacement. OYE...

Any and all advice and encouragement is much appreciate. Thank you in advance!


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I'm so sorry for your loss I had a broody who didn't get up 4 days straight so I just pushed her off and she drank like crazy and ate a tone too then she had a big poo. If the eggs are still moving they'll be alright.
I tried everything I could to get her to eat... she just wouldn't. I even ground up some mealworms and put it in some water and tried to feed her with a syringe and she just wouldn't eat. Others think something else was wrong ... it wasn't just her being broody. :(
It's very hard to say what the reason was for her death. Again, I'm so sorry you lost you hen.

The only thing I can think of to tell you about incubating is to have a calibrated thermometer and hygrometer. I've had two non- hatches where the eggs got to lock down and I lost all of one (too high temperature I believe) and only had 2 chicks from the other. (too low temps)

I use a regular thermometer with a hygrometer on it and I calibrate them. I also like using floating fish thermometers. Some people use reptile thermometers. Your time is limited and you probably can't order an accurate incubating thermometer in that fast.

Do you have a thermometer/hygrometer in with the eggs?
x2 wickedchicken6
incubators are rarely right, straight out of the box. Other meters are definitely a good idea.

As far as introduction to the flock, I've found it easier for the others to accept them as early as possible. They don't see the little ones as a threat and usually leave them alone. The older they get, the more fighting I've had. Supervision is key initially. And also giving the little ones places to hide and run away. Even better is a small door, only big enough for the little ones to escape thru. If they have a safe place, they can slowly introduce themselves.
sorry about your loss
i agree with all of the advice that has been giving and also agree that there was some other type of sickness going on

i would also add heat-sinks to your incubator, like a sealed water bottle or some clean rocks

Good Luck!!
Thank you all for your responses and helpful guidance!

Two of the 3 eggs hatched today! They are adorable and seem to be healthy! I'm not sure if the 3rd is still viable. I thought I heard egg cracking noise off and on today but haven't seen a PIP so not sure. I'm going to move the 2 tomorrow morning to their brooder and see what's going on with the other egg with the water test. This was our first time hatching and it seems like such an unlikely hatch due to the cold spell they had! <3
Thank you all for your responses and helpful guidance!

Two of the 3 eggs hatched today! They are adorable and seem to be healthy! I'm not sure if the 3rd is still viable. I thought I heard egg cracking noise off and on today but haven't seen a PIP so not sure. I'm going to move the 2 tomorrow morning to their brooder and see what's going on with the other egg with the water test. This was our first time hatching and it seems like such an unlikely hatch due to the cold spell they had! <3

Candle the last egg before you put it in water, please. I don't advise the water test, but if you want to do it, be sure to look for movement, not just floating or sinking.

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