Broody Duck questions


12 Years
May 28, 2012
I have 2 recently broody ducks, and I have some questions.
What do you feed the ducklings? The same thing as the moms? I give them whole grains (wheat,oats, barley). Will this work?
Do you cage the ducks in at all after the ducklings hatch? I am not sure if they need to be separate from other ducks, especially drakes. We have 8 ducks and 2 drakes. I can put up a temporary brooding area shortly before they hatch, so the mother ducks can't get out and nothing else (cats, dog, other ducks) can get in.
Do you provide a pool? I have a turtle sandbox that I use for the ducks, in addition to the bigger pool. I could put that in the brooding area as long as it is safe for the ducklings.
I have about 25 days until they hatch, but I like to plan ahead:).

Hi Lydia;
Firstly you'd normally start them off on chick/duckling crumb for the first 4-6 weeks
Then on to growers formula much the same as chickens.
Feed should be unmedicated and state that it's ok for ducklings - should have extra niacin as ducklings need more than chicks do.

As for what to do when they hatch- it's horses for courses!
For instance drakes can kill the young, that said my ducklings at the minute have been free ranging since they hatched - drake and cockerell have been fine with them.

It will all depend on the environment you're releasing them into and the mothers place in pecking order.
Plus how secure is the environment - ducklings are very small and can easily squeeze out through the smallest of gaps, plus they are an easy target for many species of bird.

If you are confident the rest of flock will be ok and that they will be safe from predators (and themselves!), then let them run free!
If not...
Oh and about swimming water - I always let them have access early on but some recommend leaving them without for a few weeks as they aren't waterproof yet!
They love water so much I don't have the heart to keep them from swimming! Plus once their feathers start coming through they really appreciate a swim :)
I have raised hatchery ducklings before, but I wasn't sure the mother ducks should eat the starter. Should I just put both out? I will probable fence them off, I don't trust our cats and I typically start ducklings in a secure pen. I think there may be 3 ducks sharing the nest now:). We will see how many ducklings they hatch out. I am taking a hands off approach, so I don't plan to candle the eggs or anything. Just let them hatch however many they hatch. 2-3 dozen would be nice
. I know the neighbors want some drakes, and I want more ducks.
I'd normally leave a bowl of wet chick feed and a taller bowl with growers or layers for the mum.
However I find they'll all eat the chick feed regardless!
To be fair the mum has usually lost some weight whilst sitting so the chick feed probably helps.
Good luck with it all - especially staying hands off :D

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