Broody girls are fighting!


5 Years
Jul 15, 2014
Fort Mitchell, KY
I decided to give my broody australorp some eggs to hatch. She was so happy and content for a couple of days. Now some other hens are trying to go broody and kick her off the nest! Today they broke 2 of the six eggs! I really want her to stay in the coop because I don't want to deal with re-introducing her and the new chicks later. So I made a screen door for her nest box out of hardware cloth. I will let her out once a day and hang around to protect the eggs until she goes back in. I'll post a picture later and an update!
That’s one way to do it. If you can, build an enclosure around the nest so you have room to put food and water but not a lot more. Fix it so she cannot get out of the enclosure and other chickens cannot get in. If you make it out of wire, you should not have to reintroduce her after she hatches.
Thanks! I will see if I can do that and still effectively block the nest from the others. It would be good if she could get out when she wants to, although I've never seen her leave the nest on her own.

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