Broody Hen


Oct 9, 2015
i have a hen that wouldn't stop going Broody , so in June we let her sit on some eggs . The babies were hatched the end of June and she is going Broody again . I'm almost positive the eggs are not fertile that she keeps sittin on . Can someone walk me through how to break her or it . I only have a wired dog crate available to use to put her in . Do I just put her In there with food and water ? Does she need to be completely separate from the other chickens ? Do I need to put a roost in there for her ? And how long do I lock her In there ? Thanks in advance :)
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To break a broody hen, use a wire cage up off the ground. Put her inside without a shred of bedding and with food and water. A roost is optional. Keep her in there for three days or until she lays an egg. Good luck!
To add to Abriana, once my broody stopped being all fluffed up and acting broody, I let her out and watched to see what she would do. First time she headed for the coop- back in the breaker till the next day. Next day- no issue- started grazing with the other gals, didn't go to the coop till nightfall. Broody no more! Took 2 1/2 days in the breaker for her.

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