broody or sick? ?

You can give her pedialyte if  she is dehydrated. But not for more than a day or so.

Leave her be for the night and check on her in the morning.

If she has been like this for more than 48hrs, then it's most likely not an egg stuck in the vent. But feel of her abdomen to see if she feels swollen.

Make sure she is getting enough water and see if she will eat anything tomorrow.

Keep us posted.

I check her, her abdomen feels soft and squishy.
I noticed her vent was very poopy, I rinsed it with some water, should that help?
She came out once today, but other than that nothing. I pulled her out when it was a bit cooler and she was in a very weird position (I'll add in pictures) her comb is droopy and the tip is a bit brown/whiteish. she still seems pretty weak. I noticed there was an egg in her nesting box today where she was sitting on it, but again no hissing or puffing up. Idk if it is her egg or my other hen's.
When we put her on the ground she sat in that position but I gave her some water by spoon and slowly she drank more. As she drank more, she slowly stood up but her legs were still a bit awkward. She didn't really walk when she was out from her coop. I tried giving her some treats of food, but she only one bite and wouldn't eat anymore. She drank more water, but soon we put her back into their "area" (I live in a city/town, so we have an area of the backyard for them to free range and the coop is there, it's fenced with a v v low fence) and all she wanted to do was go back into her nesting box, she seemed like she could walk but she walked slowly and even pushed my other hen aside and went up the ramp and back into her nesting box.

is it possible she has a leg injury? I'm so worried about her :(
You can give her pedialyte if  she is dehydrated. But not for more than a day or so.

Leave her be for the night and check on her in the morning.

If she has been like this for more than 48hrs, then it's most likely not an egg stuck in the vent. But feel of her abdomen to see if she feels swollen.

Make sure she is getting enough water and see if she will eat anything tomorrow.

Keep us posted.
Here's another photo
I check her, her abdomen feels soft and squishy.
I noticed her vent was very poopy, I rinsed it with some water, should that help?
She came out once today, but other than that nothing. I pulled her out when it was a bit cooler and she was in a very weird position (I'll add in pictures) her comb is droopy and the tip is a bit brown/whiteish. she still seems pretty weak. I noticed there was an egg in her nesting box today where she was sitting on it, but again no hissing or puffing up. Idk if it is her egg or my other hen's.
When we put her on the ground she sat in that position but I gave her some water by spoon and slowly she drank more. As she drank more, she slowly stood up but her legs were still a bit awkward. She didn't really walk when she was out from her coop. I tried giving her some treats of food, but she only one bite and wouldn't eat anymore. She drank more water, but soon we put her back into their "area" (I live in a city/town, so we have an area of the backyard for them to free range and the coop is there, it's fenced with a v v low fence) and all she wanted to do was go back into her nesting box, she seemed like she could walk but she walked slowly and even pushed my other hen aside and went up the ramp and back into her nesting box.

is it possible she has a leg injury? I'm so worried about her

I'm sorry sweetie, it looks like your hen is sick.

With the way she is sitting/standing - she could have an internal laying or reproductive disorder. It could be Peritonitis, tumors or cancer.
Try to make her comfortable and see if she will eat and drink. Hydration is important. You can try some egg, tuna or mackerel and see if she will eat.

Peritonitis and internal egg laying issues:
thank you for your help, i dont have any poultry/avian vets near me, but i can try to get to one.
for now should i separate her from my other hen or anything else i can do?
thank you for your help, i dont have any poultry/avian vets near me, but i can try to get to one.
for now should i separate her from my other hen or anything else i can do?

If the other hen is not bothering her I think I would leave her be. It may stress her to be away from her friend.
I think she is finding comfort in the nesting box.

You can try giving her a soak in a warm epsom salts bath. This may be soothing to her.

If you can take her to a vet, they may have a better idea of what is going on.
hi thank you all for your help. unfortunately, yesterday we took her to the vets and we had to put her down. It's been rough, but idk. I miss her so much, her lively self, and now she's in a better place,joined with my Oreo up there.

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