Brown leghorn.. broody?


Jul 13, 2022
So I'm pretty sure my been is a brown leghorn, which I didn't think was a brody breed. She has white ears lays large white eggs. I have her, 3 gold laced bantams and have recently introduced our 3 baby faverolles (they were born March 22 and brought in the coop in their own cage at 6 weeks & now 11 weeks old) (my leghorn was a bit of a bully for a while but they all seem to be doing much better all together and the babies have been in the coop with no cage of their own for 2 weeks now. So...Today went in, let everyone out to forage and got eggs. There was a large white egg and 2 tan bantam eggs. I took the eggs out got them away and next thing I know my brown leghorn was back in the nesting box and didn't come out the rest of the evening until everyone came in for the night she then did her normal got on the roof made sure the bantams were all in their places which is on top of the coop and the other bantam in the nesting box. Chased the faverolles into their spot in the bigger coop But then she went back in the nesting box with the bantam and was yelling at her and acting real weird and this is the 2nd night she's been in the nesting box at bedtime.. i'm not sure what's going on she laid an egg this morning and so she's not egg bound and begins she's a leghorn and there's actually no eggs she's laying on I didn't think she could be broody????
Ok... maybe she's not broody. I went out to check on everyone and she's back on top the coop so no longer in nesting box... but she is making lots of noise and she usually tries to get away from me even tho I will still be able to pick her up and hold her but not tonight tonight she's just staying still and making lots of noises like kinda like when she is b!tching at me but it's not b!tching. I'm not real sure what's going on with her.
Some birds just like to sit in the nest box. I have a legbar (it‘s a breed that along their lines was a leghorn) and she loved to sit in next boxed and scream at me if I opened the nestbox door. It sounded like a angry broody hen scream but she never stayed in the box and always got up. That happened for about 2 months until she just up and quit doing it.
Ok so no egg again today and she stayed in the nesting box most of today again until the one bantam that sleeps in there came in then she got the other 2 bantams in place and rooster herself. Ill go out again soon to check on them all and I'll guess shes back inside laying with the bantam in the nesting box. I don't know if she's going brody or what if she's egg bound cause she didn't lay today or gayest but she laid one late the night before
she's a leghorn and there's actually no eggs she's laying on I didn't think she could be broody????
Breed matters to how often it's seen on average (or the proneness) but not to the individual. Any breed including Leghorn, sex-link hybrids or the like can go broody. Many can also be successful. Removing eggs will not be enough in MOST cases to break a broody. Using a breaker sooner than later will diminish time required to "break the cycle". If indeed she is broody.. you can usually count on her being that way again in the future. Those who are normal with the instinct (not excessively so) may go broody once or twice per year.. some obsessed (by no choice of their own) may go broody every third egg to every 6 weeks.. Mind you being broody more often doesn't make for actual better mums, imo. But for real.. EVERY experience with any individual may vary above their stereotype especially.

Many will lay another egg or two as those hormones build. And all will still take outings for dust bathing, eating, pooping, maintain pecking order, etc.. they will not be pooping inside the nest the way a sleeping bird might.. as their instinct is to preserve cleanliness of the nest. Many will also start this clucking sound or other indicative behaviors shortly before starting to sit full time.

Oh and also she was very aggressive and peck/bit me when I tried to feel her tummy
That's an opposite symptom than illness (like egg binding).. which usually sees passive lethargy, not able to pass droppings, going off food and water, avoiding flock mates, etc..

All current symptoms indicate she is gearing up to sit. How old is she?

The known (or alleged) flightiness (weariness, predator awareness) of Leghorn and likely hood to be scared off the nest may be one reason they aren't known for their mothering.. but your's will not be the first should you decide to allow her to continue. Definitely don't let breed be the reason broodiness is ruled in or out.

she then did her normal got on the roof made sure the bantams were all in their places which is on top of the coop and the other bantam in the nesting box.
Your not worried for their safety on top of the coop? (owl, raccoon, etc) Is your other bantam (size not breed) also broody or just sleeps in the box at night?

Gold laced is a feather color pattern.. tan eggs indicates some things about breed.. but not really.. are you unsure (want any help identifying) or just didn't use details?

Most broody's may be a bit dazed for a couple moments when first removed from the nest but should quickly start some normal behaviors or attempting to return to the original nest box.

If you see any changes.. like lethargy or passiveness.. then take immediate action and start a new thread in the emergency section.. checking for egg binding and crop function being the first things to rule in or out.

Here's to hoping for continued fun, strong, and healthy, thriving chicken adventures! :wee

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