Brown Leghorns: Pics, Info, and Resources

Does anyone have any pictures of Duane's birds? I have never seen any if them before, or if I had I didn't know they were from his flock.
Does anyone have any pictures of Duane's birds? I have never seen any if them before, or if I had I didn't know they were from his flock.
I have a hen that is from birds that came from him. She is pretty gorgeous and her siblings did well at shows this fall. I will attempt to get a pic of her soon, she is in with a rooster so is not in the best feather (he is pretty rowdy at times)
has any one here gotten any Rose Comb Brown Leghorn from Ideal Poultry Breeding Farms, Inc. tx
are they real dark or lighter any pics . i like the lighter colored birds .
There is a flock of SC dark brown Leghorns for sale in NY. A total of 13 birds.
I found the ad in the poultry press on page 17 today and thought I'd share it here in case anyone is interested. These are not my birds but I know the breeder who is selling them and they are good quality birds.
If you do not get the poultry press and would like to know more details feel free to pm me.

Hi. My chicken Anika is a brown leghorn. She's a consistent layer and a sweet girl. She has her feisty moments but she'll also hop onto my lap on a regular basis for a cuddle. She's backyard chicken who has a chicken tractor and she wanders the yard. She eats well and especially loves greens, mangos, worms and berries.
Hi. My chicken Anika is a brown leghorn. She's a consistent layer and a sweet girl. She has her feisty moments but she'll also hop onto my lap on a regular basis for a cuddle. She's backyard chicken who has a chicken tractor and she wanders the yard. She eats well and especially loves greens, mangos, worms and berries.
She's a silver
This is my beautiful Light Brown Leghorns. He is about 11 months old. One of the girls just started laying. He came from N GA and the hens from NC.

He is keeping the other Roos in line and watching out for his girls.

Henrietta above has just started laying,

Believe it or not I can tell the hens apart.
This hen traces back to Duane Urch's stock. She has been with a rooster since this fall and decided to fly out of the heated shed. Me being the poultry person that I am and always having issues getting good pics, decided that it would be a perfect time to try for a pic of her.


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