Brown Rice


12 Years
Aug 24, 2007
I buy organic brown rice and steam it for my chickens -- which they love!!! What I am wondering is -- how much protein is that?
I have no way to buy organic grain where I live, and try and grow greens year around for them, and than I give them some scratch and the brown rice daily. Helen in Las Vegas NV:D
Thanks -- actually it is more of a treat. They have a large variety of food - fruits - vegetables - greens. The brown rice is expensive so really could not give them as much as they would like. In the summer, when its over 110 here I usually give them cold pasta in the afternoon - a treat and hopefully cools them down just a little. They also have a misting system. Anyway glad to have that cleared up.

Is this in addition to a layer feed? Are they free-range? I would be concerned, that they are not getting enough protein, as they need about 16% protein in their diet, and all the items you have listed are much less than this. If you don't want to feed a formulated feed for some reason, you could ameliorate that by giving them low-salt fish, good quality cat food, meal worms or other high protein foods. Free range chickens can supplement with bugs etc...but they are harder to find in the winter.
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I put a half of a watermelon out in the summer when it's really hot. My girls go nuts. I figure it's added liquid as well as something cool!
Good idea -- I hate watermelon -- but if I can find it on sale -- I will gladly bring home the melon.

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