Buckeye Breed Thread

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How to Determine Gender in 12 Week-old Chickens (or, a wee bit older than 12 weeks):




NB: these photos are
2013, Laura Haggarty. Please do not use them elsewhere. Thanks.

Thank you! That is quite a bit of difference and should be easy to spot...even for me.
Would anyone care to discuss the width of the head on a buckeye? Just wondering since there is so much emphasis on type on this thread.

I'd be happy to. I will note that the Standard does not address width specifically, it just says "HEAD: medium in size, carried well-up." http://www.americanbuckeyepoultryclub.com/files/2010_Large_Fowl_Standard.pdf

I will note the ALBC has some good photos in the PDF at the link below, and it speaks specifically to the width of the head:

I will also note that I am completely unwilling to cross any other breed into my Buckeyes to get a wider head, as I have heard some folks are doing. I prefer to breed and cull with pure Buckeyes than to inject a different breed.

What would you like to say about width of the head, DRB?
:) Seems if you have both male and female it is easier - always having a comparison ....

I like their eye color.
:) Seems if you have both male and female it is easier - always having a comparison ....

I like their eye color.
Actually, the eye color is still in "juvenile" phase, as they get older it will change to the correct "Reddish bay" that it should be. Not sure why they do that, but do it they do.
the feathers seem shiny - more so than other dark chicken colors I've seen (I'm no expert, just small farm and chickens for only 3 years) .... are others seeing this, or is it me?

I like that look on the feathers.

Also - what lovely live and table specimens! My girl is still turning colors from her fuzzy feathers, can't wait to see where she ends up.

I've culled roos before, and some of the best dinners were from them, because they were well-rounded, had a good life and got all plumped up for the last few months. Happy til that last second.
Would anyone care to discuss the width of the head on a buckeye? Just wondering since there is so much emphasis on type on this thread.

Type is the most important part of a bird if you go by the APA SOP. The Standard describes the head. How important is the head to you? Would you pick that over type? How many points are awarded to the head? How many to the body? How much for undercolor?

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