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In 2009 I ordered from him. 25 chicks, 8 were dead at post office. The weather had gotten really cold after he shipped. Not his fault, I felt. He sent a 2nd batch (no charge) and somehow the post office screwed up and didn't deliver it (I kept calling the post office for 3 days!), whole batch was dead! Was properly shipped and marked. Post Office's screw up.
So happy with 2009 - despite not getting all 25 chicks. But between weather and post office, not his fault. Rest of chicks seem healthy and great.
Then in 2010 we ordered another 25 AND PAID! Didn't get them. Kept calling and emailing. NO RESPONSE! Nothing, nada. Gave up.
This spring, I STILL wanted more Buckeyes. So thought I would give him benefit of the doubt. Emailed early in spring, explained how we had ordered and paid previous year, but never rec'd any chicks. Could we get them now? Please? He emailed me back nicely and apologized profusely and said they would come. But once again...nothing! No chicks. I did email him again later in the spring AGAIN asking about the chicks (and mentioned I had a friend that wanted some two - i.e. another order! Hello!). No response.
So, yes, I would say not happy. And I was sad because I really loved the first chicks we got from him and wanted to get more to start my own breeding stock (I had kept 2 roos out of the first batch for breeding but spring of 2010 they BOTH got taken by a hawk within 2 weeks of each other! Grr...). I understand about getting busy and overwhelmed - I have a farm of my own. But if he couldn't get the chicks to us he should have least refunded our money.
Sorry for the issues, I truly am. 2011 really took me off guard, I was overwhelmed in every regard. We shipped more than 130 boxes of chicks with a very high satisfaction rate. I apologize if some people slipped through the cracks.

The list was long and at times very confusing, has your order been satisfied or refunded?
Buckeye Dave has contacted me and is sending me chicks. Thank you Dave for clearing up this issue. Go Buckeyes!
I'd like to bump this thread with my currently ongoing terrible experience.

I placed an order at the beginning of June during which the website said orders would be fulfilled by June 18th. I was mailed to confirm the shipping information as it was different from my billing information. The 18th came and went without a peep and several days after I sent them a mail asking what was going on. I sent another mail several days later and then a phone call seemingly from David which went to voicemail. I got a return call a few days later that stated something about the heat that they had been having the week prior and that he didn't know when they'd have more chicks. The website at that point still said that chicks were to be shipped as of the 18th of June. I mailed back to ask for further clarification as it was getting near to the point when I'd be able to request a refund via Paypal. David mailed with a bunch of the same stuff he copy/pasted from the now updated website about the heat wave and added something about chicks being available a few weeks later--just after the 45 day period. He said he'd give me a refund if I wanted. I decided at that point to ask for a refund, at which point I didn't hear anything further. I sent a few more pinging e-mails with no response and opened a case with Paypal, to which I have still not heard anything.

It seems David monitors various forums for bad press and tries to appease people. They don't seem to reply to many mails at the info@ address and David himself seems to be pretty bad with communication either way. This isn't how to run a business or treat people who want to simply exchange money for goods/services. On some other forums posts, several months prior to all of this, it sounds like other sellers had similar issues both getting chicks from him and getting refunds from him. He may deliver, and he may not, but he seriously needs to re-examine his practices as a small business owner. It's sad that it feels he's taking advantage of lots of people who just want to keep a beautiful, rare heritage breed alive and going. We're in the process of trying to establish a flock in northwest Washington and it's been a bear finding stock, made all the harder by having this debacle dragged out and locking up funds.

So, to reiterate: ordered nearly two months ago, very poor communication and promises of refund have been met emptily, even in the fact of a formal paypal complaint. Not impressive and I can't recommend them to anyone.
Anyone having issues with finding hatching eggs or chicks, feel free to message me or visit my page here on BYC with links to buckeye breeder directory, understanding the SOP, the facebook page of the American Buckeye Club, and our yahoo page with just about anything you could ever find pertaining to this wonderful breed. I will make sure you get in touch with breeders that raise great QUALITY buckeyes. https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/736801/buckeye-chicken-breeders/10#post_10320973
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