Buff Orpington, Supermodel

Four Acre Bliss

11 Years
Jan 22, 2009
Buff Orpington (we just call her Buff) was a packing peanut in my February McMurray Hatchery order. It didn't take long for this "extra" chicken to become our very favorite. She is the one who comes when called, who lets us hold her and pet her, who is the first to try every new thing, who moves with the grace of a ballerina. She's gorgeous and what's more, she knows it -- check out her posing for my camera!



So you got a free hen too. I recieved 7 light brahma packing peanuts that I figured were all roos with my last order and am almost convinced looking at the combs of two of my birds, that I have hens. Thats great if I did, and the buff orp is a great chicken as you have observed. I had to pay for mine though, lol

Oh sure, you're girl's a freakin' ballerina! My Buff Orps were all rambunctious, trouble-making hooligans (hence my screenname).
She is one gorgeous lady. You guys are not making it easy for me. My Buff Os arent' coming till June.
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she's darling!

I have one BO and one BR...and the BR is always first to investigate, but once deemed safe, the BO jumps right in and takes over....they are pretty cool...I'm hooked!
I have three Buff Op hens coming in June and I hope they are more like yours than Buff Hooligan's!!! LOL..

She seems to know the camera is on and she is hammin' it up!!! Dixie

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