*Buff Orpington Thread!*

This here is "Captain Cornbread" and a 4 month old pullet. Had to share :)


I like Captain and his human friend................Good picture if your pullet...........
Not sure about everyone elses but my girls deffo don't lay big brown eggs. They are medium sized and cream coloured. Mine are all broody girls and one sat 3 times a year and thats when I let her sit so god knows what they would be like if they where broken all the time. I'm going to throw my honest opinion out which wont be liked by many, but I don't think people should get broody breeds when they don't want them because it always just ends up with them complaining about how their hens are broody all the time and I find it really irritating when they do. Have you ever considered ex battery hens or just the plain ginger ones without being in cages? My ex batts are very tame and easy to handle and lay large brown and sometimes cream coloured eggs.

I have four Buff hens that have never gone broody and I wish they would............

I love their personality...........I have hens that are not reportedly known for being broody, that put out a hatch or two a year........
Folks say hatchery chickens are much less likely to go broody as they are bred for production.................

Silly chickens, I think they make up their own mind.............
Not sure about everyone elses but my girls deffo don't lay big brown eggs. They are medium sized and cream coloured. Mine are all broody girls and one sat 3 times a year and thats when I let her sit so god knows what they would be like if they where broken all the time. I'm going to throw my honest opinion out which wont be liked by many, but I don't think people should get broody breeds when they don't want them because it always just ends up with them complaining about how their hens are broody all the time and I find it really irritating when they do. Have you ever considered ex battery hens or just the plain ginger ones without being in cages? My ex batts are very tame and easy to handle and lay large brown and sometimes cream coloured eggs.
My experience is that UK hens are much more broody than US hens, as they have more Cochin bred into them. My Buffs lay extra large eggs, and only go broody 1 x a year.
Hello everyone! I am new to the wonderful world of chickens and I come with questions! I am trying to meet my husband in the middle when it come to what we want. We are looking for a chicken that will lay large brown eggs and that will do well in cold and hot weather. We want a friendly bird as we do have a young son and are planning to have more children. After my research I was set on the buff orpingtons. I love their color! They sound perfect. My only concern is the broodiness. My husband thinks it will become a hassle. We would like to have a few dozen hens with 1 or 2 roosters.we had planned on incubating eggs in the coming years but I thought with the buffs they could just take care of everything! So after the paragraph of babbling here... should I go with the buff orps or are they really too broody? On average how many eggs will one hen lay a week? Any comments or suggestions a are greatly appreciated!
Well. I must be the exception because i have 6 buff hens and they lay large to jumbo eggs. Some eggs are soooooo large that they don't fit into an regular egg carton. As far as broody, I have had no trouble removing hens from the nest and they don't seem to return afterward. Two usually try to brood everyday but I just pull them off and they stay off. They follow me around like I was the pied piper of chickens always talking to me and when I sit they all want to sit on my lap and on my shoulders. I consider the buffs as the dogs of the chicken world, always wanting to please and be with you. Cant go anywhere on the property without them right behind me. I love them, they're pets with benefits. I get 4 to 6 eggs a day from my six hens.
My experience is that UK hens are much more broody than US hens, as they have more Cochin bred into them. My Buffs lay extra large eggs, and only go broody 1 x a year.
I can remember you saying about that. Never thought about where abouts they were. Do you keep both US&UK ones?
I have four Buff hens that have never gone broody and I wish they would............

I love their personality...........I have hens that are not reportedly known for being broody, that put out a hatch or two a year........
Folks say hatchery chickens are much less likely to go broody as they are bred for production.................

Silly chickens, I think they make up their own mind.............
My girls are the UK ones so like thedragonlady said, they have more cochin in. In my experience I have found that they will only go broody when you don't want them too. Last year my BO went broody in April and hatched out. After that I didnt want any more broodies and got my other BO going broody and the original one going broody another 2 times!

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