*Buff Orpington Thread!*

I am sorry. He was beautiful. I like to save the wings of my passed birds as a memory. He would have been so beautiful with my Buff female.


Thanks Jody

He was a beautiful bird. When he was healthy he was almost 9lbs and growing. I and his girls miss him.
Yes, to you. Your birds are beautiful and heathy. How long have you raised chickens and where are you? It looks as though you have lots of pasture for free ranging. What a blessing. We have 20 acres but it is in the Western NC mountains so we don't have pasture as you know it.

I love to free range mine. It snowed 5 inches let night but as it is melting, I hope to get them out today.

Thank you :). I'm 16 and have had them for about 6 or 7 years (so since I was 9/10). They have always been my responsibility. I think my family have only seen them about 5 times since I have had them. And I'm in Cumbria, UK. We haven't had much snow here, wish we did!
Have you ever thought about putting UK as your location?
Cant say I have...
That is wonderful!!! I am 70 and just started with chickens a year ago. No history of chickens in my family. No grandmas or anyone had them. I adore them so much. Have 17 (15 hens and 2 roosters, one RIR and the other BR). I only have one Buff because her sister was killed by a skunk! We have alls rots of critters here and I have to lock them up every night. They are all free ranging in the snow, but they have dry ground too if they want it. Temps are about 45, so it is fairly warm.


We have had a lot of snow this year about 40 inches or more. I would have loved to send you some. Most of the winter it was way below freezing. Poor cold chickies.
That is wonderful!!! I am 70 and just started with chickens a year ago. No history of chickens in my family. No grandmas or anyone had them. I adore them so much. Have 17 (15 hens and 2 roosters, one RIR and the other BR). I only have one Buff because her sister was killed by a skunk! We have alls rots of critters here and I have to lock them up every night. They are all free ranging in the snow, but they have dry ground too if they want it. Temps are about 45, so it is fairly warm.

I have 13 :)

We have had a lot of snow this year about 40 inches or more. I would have loved to send you some. Most of the winter it was way below freezing. Poor cold chickies.
I guess there is still time for snow. We got it in April last year, so maybes we will get it at the same time this year!
I LOVE buff orpingtons. I actually have a hard time taking them out and Americanas, because they are so full of personality and so darn sweet! Orps are just plain gentle, aren't flighty and easy to pluck, no colored pinfeathers. In my early years, I had a beauty named Butters. I cried and screamed and yell into the blackberry bush one full moon night when a predator got her. That was in the beginning... But, I'll never forget those first years, when I had 5 girls, 5 pet chickens...

Nope, not me. I am avoiding TSC until spring is over. I send my husband for food. I have come to understand my weaknesses... avoidance is my only chance of survival.
I understand completely. Last April I went to the feed store for chick food and they had Rhinelander baby rabbits. I've had rabbits before and I said I didn't want any more but the clerk handed me this little calico Rhinelander and he snuggled into my hand and I was hooked, line and sinker. The rabbit was $19.00 dollars but by the time you purchase the food, the feeder & waterer and a large cage, you're in it for over $100.00. I stay away from pet stores, humane societies and animal shelters. My only other problem is that small kittens keep showing up at my house. I asked God to please not send any more kittens or strays of any kind. I'm getting cat poor. As of today, I have 14 animals in the house - 1 dog, 6 cats, 1 rabbit, 3 buff chicks and 3 black sex link chicks. And then there's 5 horses outside we need to adopt out along with 6 more buffs, one goat and whole slew of ravens that hang around all the time along with a huge number of doves, robins and house finches. Too much grain and water around so I guess we draw all the birds to our place. I'm going Monday to purchase 2 Golden Sex Links - gonna have to extend the coop.
Nice set up!

Thank you. We had a chicken wire fence at our old house and the wild pack of dogs, well haven't had chickens since, to heartbreaking. Then my DH work threw out an entire security fence room they used to secure tools to upgrade. We went and got it out of the trash. The back fence is 12' high, closest to the woods. The front is on its side and is 4' high with chicken wire another 4' high. Had the security door with it, yeah!!! Bought bird netting on amazon 25x50 for $29 that covers it completely. Got some old, free range game hens from a friend just to see if these crafty birds can get out. The only problem I'm having is from the little Pomeranian next door. They refuse to control him and he circles the coop like cowboys and Indians with a circle wagon train. I really hate this dog, but can't kill it, well not yet. It's bitten me and my daughter, so it's only a matter of time before it pushes me to far. I have called the pound, useless, they just tell me I can protect my property and animals. He is not hurting them just being annoying. Any suggestions???? Once my BO's go in it will be an entirely different story.....

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