*Buff Orpington Thread!*

Here are better pictures of the two with the darkest combs.


Looks like a pullet to me. All of them do, actually. :/ if you had a Roo it should be crowing by 24 weeks. Check around to see if you can find a Roo through this site or Craig's list.
Does anyone have both Buff Orpingtons and Astralorps?  I have BO's and I'm thinking about adding Astralorps to my flock and curious how you'd compare their personalities?  Similar?  Would they get along well together?  Are Astralorps quiet like BO's?

We have two BO's and one Austrolorp. They are way different, at least mine are. Our BO's always come to the gate of the run when I being treats and the Austrolorp is always standing off to the side with her head cocked a little watching the action and seldom participates. We used to have two but one was a roo and we found him a home.
I really do love my Buffs. They are so sweet and when they see me coming, the race is on to who can get to me first. I'm sure it's because they love me and not that I have meal worms in my pocket....
I really do love my Buffs. They are so sweet and when they see me coming, the race is on to who can get to me first. I'm sure it's because they love me and not that I have meal worms in my pocket....
My girls love it when I give them rose petals and there is a Rose bush near the corner of their run so when I go to pluck off the feathers... er...I mean... rose petals, the Buffs are the first ones their. I thinks it because the are just greedy little critters who love rose petals..... but they are cute, adorable, lovable, likable on occasion..... As chicks they were the friendliest. The Australorps were the meanest. We had two of those and one turned out to be a he and he is goners now. Found him a nice home where he could be appreciated. To bad you can't have a Roo in the city. Pretty silly really because a bunch of girls doin' the Egg Layin' song every day can be just as annoying as cock a doodle doo! Well, maybe not. I grew up around chickens. I remember the rooster... Some guy brought him over in the trunk of his car in a burlap sack and I was about 7 or 8 at the time. He was a bantan of some kind. Very pretty as I recall. I remember when he opened his trunk and to his surprise the roo had escaped the scak and then the trunk. What a riot! Chasing that darn roo!
I planted a rose bush in hopes my chickens could enjoy it...it lasted about 3 weeks when I murdered it with the lawn mower. But it worked out because rhey layed me back by eating my lilies pedal by pedal hahaha
This is Buffy, not the best photo of her. She's a gentle soul, but not the sharpest tool in the box

She's new to laying and is so far laying mostly double-yolked eggs!

(this is two of her eggs)

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