*Buff Orpington Thread!*

I keep meaning to post pics of our little flock but I have taken so many pics since their arrival in April, I don't know which ones to post! LOL! So, I will start with one I took this afternoon of our roo Leo and two of his ladies Penny and Peanut enjoying some patio time. It has been ridiculously hot where we live on the Gulf Coast and after our babies roam the yard for a few hours they end up on the patio under the fans until it is time to coop up. We have an additional girl who is what we think is a Buff Orp/Buff Rock mix, but she didn't want her photo taken. :) Leo and the girls will be 19 weeks old in two days and we are anxiously awaiting for the girls to begin laying. Penny and Peanut serenaded us with a beautiful egg song last night so we are hoping it won't be long now.

This is Buffy, not the best photo of her. She's a gentle soul, but not the sharpest tool in the box She's new to laying and is so far laying mostly double-yolked eggs! (this is two of her eggs)
That's quite the cone and waddles on that girl! She's cute :D your making me hungry for eggs.
Bella and her baby had me nearly in tears today! Bella was having a dust bath and he wanted to join in but couldn't fit so he started pecking Bella and pulling her comb and she was screaming and got up and chased him and then they settled down again and she was having a dust bath and he went and climbed on top of her and started trying to mate her but he didn't know to hold her head so she turned around and started dragging him off by his head! It was hilarious :')

I keep meaning to post pics of our little flock but I have taken so many pics since their arrival in April, I don't know which ones to post! LOL! So, I will start with one I took this afternoon of our roo Leo and two of his ladies Penny and Peanut enjoying some patio time. It has been ridiculously hot where we live on the Gulf Coast and after our babies roam the yard for a few hours they end up on the patio under the fans until it is time to coop up. We have an additional girl who is what we think is a Buff Orp/Buff Rock mix, but she didn't want her photo taken. :) Leo and the girls will be 19 weeks old in two days and we are anxiously awaiting for the girls to begin laying. Penny and Peanut serenaded us with a beautiful egg song last night so we are hoping it won't be long now.

Saying hello to Angela! We've been having some really nice conversations by PM over the past few weeks.

I didn't keep my Betsy. Sold her and her NH "sister" to a new friend who has gotten other birds from me recently to add to her flock. I love my Buffs, but I am more of a Plymouth Rock lady and generally need to stay on track for what I want to do with that program. Betsy just wasn't fitting into the flock she was in and I decided to give her space to someone else.

My two remaining Buff Orps are probably not going to be with me much longer. Nugget is going on 7 years old and her comb color shows me that her heart is probably not pumping as it should. She hasn't laid in two years. Hope is going on 4 years old but has had something amiss inside her since she was just over a year old. Her belly is as big as a bowling ball and it's not dissipating like it normally does so I'm probably going to see if I can drain her to make her more comfortable or put her down. Will have to get a new big syringe, can't find mine since we haven't used it in quite some time. I may end up with a Buff or two later on down the line, but I'll not do hatchery stock ever again. Nugget and Hope are both breeder stock, Hope being the only pure breeder stock here ever to develop this malfunction. Nugget raised numerous clutches of chicks and was always slow to let them go, a superior mother.
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I got some golden comets in March from my local TSC. I have one hen who I think is a Buff Orpington. She has white legs and orangish eyes. She has a single comb. Am I right?



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