*Buff Orpington Thread!*

Oh... I see....  I would get a F in hatching eggs.  But I sure think one day I would want to hatch a batch or two.

Lol don't worry, between you and me and the rest of the people on this thread I used to think that they hatched in 1 month!! 30 days!! Arg I added 9 days to the incubation cycle! Lol! You should hatch some it's really cool to see the little embryos develop :love
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I finally got a couple of pictures of my Buff O/Welsummer cross chicks. They still were not being all that cooperative. The first is Primo. Everything about this chicks screams "I'M A BOY!" and trust me even its behavior says rooster. Taking this picture and studying it though, I've noticed something The hackle feathers of a Welsummer rooster are black and the hackle feathers of a hen are green gold with a dark interior and I'm seeing that dark highlighting on this chick. Will just have to wait and see what that comb and wattles develop into.

The uummmm back end in the picture yes, belongs to one of the pure Buff O chicks.

The second Buff O/Welsummer cross is 7of 8 and is a little chick that was abandoned when momma left the nest with her hatchlings and left two unhatched eggs behind. It is nothing short of a miracle that they hatched and survived.

I really really really hope that one of these crosses is a pullet. I would really like to see the best of both breeds in them as they mature. Already, the Welsummer crosses are starting to not wanting to be touched a lot. I spent 15 minutes just trying to catch Primo in their hutch so I could get the chick used to being handled and then it screamed like I was plucking it bald. So much for them having the easy going 'pet me' attitude of the Buff Os.
My accidental cross english buff orp hen/Blue standard cochin roo


And a black aus hen/English buff orp roo
Bit o poultry 19, nothing that pretty is an accident, believe me!:love

That I can agree!! She's eye-catching! When she hatched out of my b.o. egg I was like WHAT A MUTANT FEATHER LEGGED CHICK!! Lol jk but I hope to cross her back to her daddy.
She's only 3 months old!! Lol I took a pic of her when she hatched so I can remember how old they are I just go to my camera!
Some crazy lady came by and offered my $50 for her!! I said NO WAY! She's all mine! :love :p
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I'm hoping to get my flock moved around so my Lavender Orpington rooster will have a chance to cross with my Buff O hens. Right now he is low man on the rooster totem pole and the two senior roosters aren't letting him near the hens.Hopefully once I get a 'Cockerel' pen set up I can pull one of the senior roosters away from the flock and he will have a chance to mate. I have to admit that I love my hens but I have a real soft spot for my roosters. Yes, they can be pains in the backside and I usually have to adjust attitudes every now and then with them but for the most part their personalities make up for the hassle of having them around.
I'm hoping to get my flock moved around so my Lavender Orpington rooster will have a chance to cross with my Buff O hens. Right now he is low man on the rooster totem pole and the two senior roosters aren't letting him near the hens.Hopefully once I get a 'Cockerel' pen set up I can pull one of the senior roosters away from the flock and he will have a chance to mate. I have to admit that I love my hens but I have a real soft spot for my roosters. Yes, they can be pains in the backside and I usually have to adjust attitudes every now and then with them but for the most part their personalities make up for the hassle of having them around.

I wanted to make that cross when my Lavs were old enough but I was told NOT make the cross, I kind of like the way the hens look



I have 14 chickens of which 4 are buffs. Of those 4, I think 3 of them are roosters and will probably be the ones hitting the road. This photo is the one buff who is crowing at 8 weeks old!

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