*Buff Orpington Thread!*

You sound like me, LOL. I guess I'm more inclined to let nature take its course with my birds and be surprised at what I get.

Yeah I'm pretty sure my lavs will some how accidentally end up with my buffs and some eggs will accidentally end up in the bator, and I'm going to magically end up with this beautiful cross :gig lol I just realized that I spelled "tough" instead of "though"
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Geez she is purty.
Sadly I have to start selling a lot of my cochin and bo chicks!:hit I have to make space for the eggs that'll be hatching in 2-3 more days!! And a handsome cockerel, his brother and him are begining to fight but won't begin to crow until 1-2 more months.

He's the one on the right
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My roo is now with my 4 orp hens. They haven't laid any eggs in the month i've had them,but seen my boy mate with 2,and attempt a 3rd all within about half hour! 3 of them are squatting when I touch them..oh,fertile eggs are comimg soon! Can't wait! Pic of my gorgeous boy and one of his ladies!

Sadly I have to start selling a lot of my cochin and bo chicks!
I have to make space for the eggs that'll be hatching in 2-3 more days!! And a handsome cockerel, his brother and him are begining to fight but won't begin to crow until 1-2 more months.

He's the one on the right

He's going to be handsome! Hopefully someone will take him and he will have a group of girls for his own soon.
My roo is now with my 4 orp hens. They haven't laid any eggs in the month i've had them,but seen my boy mate with 2,and attempt a 3rd all within about half hour! 3 of them are squatting when I touch them..oh,fertile eggs are comimg soon! Can't wait! Pic of my gorgeous boy and one of his ladies!

Nice BO's!
My roo is now with my 4 orp hens. They haven't laid any eggs in the month i've had them,but seen my boy mate with 2,and attempt a 3rd all within about half hour! 3 of them are squatting when I touch them..oh,fertile eggs are comimg soon! Can't wait! Pic of my gorgeous boy and one of his ladies!


Beautiful boy!!

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