*Buff Orpington Thread!*

Just keep an eye on her.  I'll bet she'd just fine in a few days.  She could have rubbed it on the welded wire or the wood.  I had a Buff Orpington who was stalking something on the other side of some welded wire and wore a groove in her beak so deep that I took her to the vet to have it filled in w/ some vet grade glue so she wouldn't snap it in two.  Chickens get themselves into the most amazing of situations.  But they are very resilient too.

She's a beautiful bird.  She has such a sweet face.  I have 4 5-day old BO's in my garage in a brooder right now with 2 Cochins and I can't wait for them to grow up.

Thanks! Hopefully that's the case. She is the sweetest out of my bunch right now, I have 6 girls total, she's the only Orp. They are all pretty terrified of me (only had them all 3 days). But she is the most curious when I am outside the run and chatters to us whenever she sees us. I hope it's just something minor that will clear up!

Sometimes it seems like mine get black spots out of nowhere. It could be from pecking or mating. I'm trying to remember if I've read anything on that. It's not coming to me. When my rooster had frostbite take his points it looked terrible-extremely black and yucky.

Thanks for the response! Yes, it's not black and yucky, just black. So that's a good sign. I was really concerned, but now it's sounding like it's something minor. Fingers crossed it clears up!
Thanks! Hopefully that's the case. She is the sweetest out of my bunch right now, I have 6 girls total, she's the only Orp. They are all pretty terrified of me (only had them all 3 days). But she is the most curious when I am outside the run and chatters to us whenever she sees us. I hope it's just something minor that will clear up!
Thanks for the response! Yes, it's not black and yucky, just black. So that's a good sign. I was really concerned, but now it's sounding like it's something minor. Fingers crossed it clears up!
Keep me posted but I'm sure it will clear up. And yes, Buff's are just the sweetest things. I could seriously only have Buffs ever again and be happy. I feel as though they don't live as long as some other breeds. But maybe I've just had bad luck.

One of my three hens caught a lizard yesterday and were trying to eat it. It was HUGE. One of the buffs got bit on the face and wattle. I put some Vetericyn on it yesterday and it looks much better today. Silly hens. I don't know what they were thinking.
He's not much for flogging me anymore. But, the hubby has stripped his spurs before. It took him down a peg or 2. I love them-they are an impressive length! I think for our hawk issues out here that they come in handy.
Yes...if they free range he could very well use those spurs...and yes they are impressive, that's what caught my attention. I have two BO cockerels which will probably always live in a hawk proof pen, (has wire over the top) as we have hawks nesting 50 yards from the run. I will probably keep mine trimmed.
They grow so fast:) As far as choosing, I'm sure that will be hard. With boys, it's really hard to tell what type of personality they will have once they get older and the hormones start to kick in. Some that are sweethearts when babies turn out to be holy terrors when they get older. So sometimes it's a "wait and see" scenario. What is your plan for the ones you don't keep?

Cute chicks!

Extra boys will be supper. As any show excessive aggression, they'll be going to freezer camp (white will be the first of them, since he's already a little jerk to the girls and to us). If more than one stay decently gentlemanly, we'll probably keep the one with the best build for our purposes, assuming the girls like that one. So far, they do seem extra fond of Red. At 6 weeks old now, he already gives up extra tasty treats for them, and runs over to check on them if they cry. The others greedily gobble up whatever they find and will snatch food from the girls. White puffs up at the girls and scares them. Red and black are the only ones who show no interest in puffing up at people so far.
Here are the 6 week old pictures. They're growing so fast, and a few didn't want to sit still haha.







Hi there! I have two 6 week old buff orpingtons. I'm wondering if anyone can tell me if one of them is a he or a she :)



Thanks for the response, that's what I'm hoping for. :) From what I've read on here, it seems like buff orps can be tough to sex.

I just brought home my Buff Orp 3 days ago. The silly girl wanted to spend all day in the rain yesterday. It was just a cold drizzle, she kept going into the coop, but insisting on being outside most of the day. But this morning I noticed what looks like frostbite on her comb! It was 10 C during the day, and down to -2 C at night. Cold, but really not that cold. I thought Orps were supposed to be cold hardy chickens? All my others that has sense enough to stay inside are fine. What in the world am I going to do during our frigid cold Canadian winters???
Sweet looking girl!

I'm not at all an expert in this area but I thought frostbite showed up more black. That to me looks like she scraped it on something while foraging. Give her a few days to see if she heals up. I'll bet she does. You can put a little VetRX on it to help it heal. BO's really should be good down to 0C. Below that, is when you have to worry. Make sure they have a draft free house to snuggle up inside but one that still has good ventilation. They should be okay.
I agree with @TheSpiceGirls it could be a scrape or even a bit of pecking injuries.
Looks like it will heal fine.

As far as cold hardy I think they should do well. Of course I don't live in Canada, but mine did fine with negative temps in the Carolinas, they stood outside in the rain, ice and snow. Only when it is really windy do they (maybe) stay in the coop, then I think it's because my cockerel feels it's "unsafe". The girls will go out and he hustles them back in during a wind storm, so....

Extra boys will be supper. As any show excessive aggression, they'll be going to freezer camp (white will be the first of them, since he's already a little jerk to the girls and to us). If more than one stay decently gentlemanly, we'll probably keep the one with the best build for our purposes, assuming the girls like that one. So far, they do seem extra fond of Red. At 6 weeks old now, he already gives up extra tasty treats for them, and runs over to check on them if they cry. The others greedily gobble up whatever they find and will snatch food from the girls. White puffs up at the girls and scares them. Red and black are the only ones who show no interest in puffing up at people so far.
Some days I wonder if my boy ever eats
He's always finding them goodies or calling them, he loves for them to take treats from his beak.

Hi there! I have two 6 week old buff orpingtons. I'm wondering if anyone can tell me if one of them is a he or a she

At 6wks looks like a sweet girl!

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