*Buff Orpington Thread!*

Elvis has quite a lot of ladies to keep up with-that's for sure. He's always refereeing out there. We expanded their chicken yard to a full acre recently. I think the added stress of trying to keep track of them all out there and the brown leghorns now out there in their chicken tractor has him on high alert all the time. I made the mistake of wearing bright pink shoes the other day and he was after me like I was pure evil! The same with our little banty stray roo-I wore some shiny purple and hot pink tennis shoes to his area and he flipped out! He was flying at me and being ridiculous. I guess it's my navy "chicken boots" or else! I think I'm going to make some summer weight coveralls, like mechanics wear, to wear over my clothes in our chicken yards. Bright colors and flowy skirts seem to set those guys off!
4 years with chickens in the backyard, and I still have lush green grass...


...who would have thought....?
Elvis has quite a lot of ladies to keep up with-that's for sure. He's always refereeing out there. We expanded their chicken yard to a full acre recently. I think the added stress of trying to keep track of them all out there and the brown leghorns now out there in their chicken tractor has him on high alert all the time. I made the mistake of wearing bright pink shoes the other day and he was after me like I was pure evil! The same with our little banty stray roo-I wore some shiny purple and hot pink tennis shoes to his area and he flipped out! He was flying at me and being ridiculous. I guess it's my navy "chicken boots" or else! I think I'm going to make some summer weight coveralls, like mechanics wear, to wear over my clothes in our chicken yards. Bright colors and flowy skirts seem to set those guys off!

I believe you are right about certain colors and clothes/shoes setting them off.
Hot pink is about the brightest Charlie will tolerate. Last year I bought some bright red-orange t-shirts on clearance at WallyWorld for a $1.00 each. I think I got 3, who doesn't want some spare knock around t-shirts that you don't mind if they get messed up for a buck??!! Didn't even think about the color...he is hyper aware-just super vigilant if I wear one of those shirts, but otherwise any other color he is his ok self. I have a pair of boots or one other pair of shoes that I use when I go in to take care of the flock otherwise they run in terror--those odd
shoes are going to kill them
I worked with my dogs to be around poultry. Missy is a great hunting dog, but she is a better guard dog for the flock that we have.

If she hears strange noises coming from the yard, she will investigate. When I put the babies out this spring, it was amazing to see her herd the lost chicks back to the rest of the flock as they grazed around the yard.

It only took a few days with a check-cord to get her to realize that the birds were not to be chased and...for lack of better words..."that they are part of our family..."

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