*Buff Orpington Thread!*

An update on my buff orp/blue Cochin, she's 4 months and 5 days old.

And a couple of buffs, I wanted to get input on them to make sure that they are cockerels, they're all about 3-4 months old

One of mine, I'm thinking cockerel

Hatchery orp, most likely cockerel for a 3 month and 10 day old.

One of mine I think pullet

One of mine, I think pullet

One of mine, I'm thinking cockerel
Hopefully @junebuggena will explain the questions raised here, she if very good on the breed distinctions.
But if I understand correctly Orpingtons should have white skin and white legs, but I would think it also depending on the parentage of the breeding stock used as well. So you will have some color variations, from different breeders, hatcheries and individuals.

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