*Buff Orpington Thread!*


Does anybody know where the white faces are figuring in on my BO youngsters? All three pullets in this hatch have white faces when they feather out.

Possibly a little Columbian genes popping through? When they get their adult feathers goes away but it sure makes them curious looking.

Since it's cold I cleared under the Bbq we made a few years back and made it into their new hangout spot
I've got a BO that's been pretending to go broody for a month now. I really wish she'd actually stick with it! :th


I have one that has done this so long, I don't really remember when she started.  I get so tickled at her.  I do intentionally look at her (occasionally) when she is on the nest so I can get a good growl and screech.  I just find it so funny.

NONE of my girls have gone officially broody and they are around 16 months. Maybe by spring I will get a broody.  Still not sure when I'll be ready for little ones, but....:D

Yeah, maybe one of these days. *sigh. I'm getting an incubator soon, and next spring I'm hoping to get about 18 hatching eggs of various breeds, and if I have a couple broodys, I'll stick em under, and if they give up,I'll have a backup.
We have 4 buff orpington hens about 9 months old or a little less. One is losing feathers all over the place and has other signs that she is moulting, but I didn't think they did at this age. The thing that concerns us and that I am worried about is that she is pale ALL OVER---all of her feathers are not as deep gold as they were before. We were new to chicken keeping last April, and are members here, and love BACKYARD CHICKENS SITE!
We take very good care of our birds (like pets) and I clean coop/run daily, use poultry spray prod. etc. I see no sign of mites...We are now feeding them 'feather fixer feed'.
I just want to make sure my Prissy is indeed moulting and is not sick---It's the pale feathers all over that worried me...
We have 4 buff orpington hens about 9 months old or a little less. One is losing feathers all over the place and has other signs that she is moulting, but I didn't think they did at this age. The thing that concerns us and that I am worried about is that she is pale ALL OVER---all of her feathers are not as deep gold as they were before. We were new to chicken keeping last April, and are members here, and love BACKYARD CHICKENS SITE!
We take very good care of our birds (like pets) and I clean coop/run daily, use poultry spray prod. etc. I see no sign of mites...We are now feeding them 'feather fixer feed'.
I just want to make sure my Prissy is indeed moulting and is not sick---It's the pale feathers all over that worried me...

Some photos may be helpful.

It's possible she could be molting, but this usually occurs around 16-18months.

Do you see any pin feathers coming in? Carefully inspect her to see if you find new growth. Also look for any signs of lice/mites especially around the vent and under the wings.

Buff Orpingtons have white skin and a layer of white/light downy feathers underneath their normal golden feathers, usually you see these coming out first when molting (atleast in mine I did).
When molting, they stop laying eggs, so when production stops, the comb turns paler and shrinks (starts to look a bit dry and shriveled).

How does she act? Is she lethargic, acting off in any way, having trouble breathing, etc.?
Just trying to "rule out" anything else that could be going on besides molt. One of my BO girls, is in heavy molt. I can see that she feels miserable, but it's obvious for the reason why. If you aren't seeing signs of new feathers coming in and yours is lethargic, etc., then vet care may be best.

Are all the feathers that are coming out, coming from the breast area? Is it possible she has pulled out her breast feathers and is starting to go broody? If she is broody, then the comb/face can become a bit paler as well, since they go out of lay during this time.

Keep an eye on her, if you have them offer some poultry vitamins in her water. If she is not eating well, you can give her some hard boiled egg to see if she will eat. Make sure she if drinking well above all else.
X2 Wyorp Rock. My main flock is 20 months old now and enjoying their first molt. I've been giving mine sunflower seeds to boost their protein and trace vitamins along with rooster booster in their drinking water.

I'm amazed at how pretty their new feathers are. The only problem I've had is with one of my Welsummer roosters. He has new tail feathers coming in and they are bothering him to the point that he has his tail bleeding at times from scratching and digging at them. He's the only bird in the group with a purple butt from blue Kote spray.
We have 4 buff orpington hens about 9 months old or a little less. One is losing feathers all over the place and has other signs that she is moulting, but I didn't think they did at this age. The thing that concerns us and that I am worried about is that she is pale ALL OVER---all of her feathers are not as deep gold as they were before. We were new to chicken keeping last April, and are members here, and love BACKYARD CHICKENS SITE!
We take very good care of our birds (like pets) and I clean coop/run daily, use poultry spray prod. etc. I see no sign of mites...We are now feeding them 'feather fixer feed'.
I just want to make sure my Prissy is indeed moulting and is not sick---It's the pale feathers all over that worried me...

You know, if my 6 years of raising hens has taught me anything, it's that there is no one normal way a chicken will behave. And while 9 months does seem rather early. I have 2 BO's and they didn't do their first molt till they were 2 1/2 years old. And they had some ratty taddy feathers.

So she certainly could be molting. Combs do tend to go pale when they molt. The only thing I'd be suspicious of is worms or parasites. You could have a vet do a fecal float on a dropping just to rule that out. Otherwise, you are doing the right things. Keep up the protein. I'll bet she's just molting.

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